Michael Savage Assaulted – IOTW Report

Michael Savage Assaulted


  • Savage, 74, says he was having dinner in Tiburon, California, with his 12-year-old pooch when a man  began taunting him by saying, ‘weener, weener’ 
  • Heckler was apparently referring to Savage’s legal name, Michael Alan Weiner 
  • Man then allegedly knocked Savage to the ground and punched another diner who tried to intervene 
  • Both men had placed each other under citizen’s arrest, but police let them go
  • Last month, Savage had an hour-long meeting over dessert with Trump, which concluded with president declaring, ‘I wouldn’t be president without this man’ 

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19 Comments on Michael Savage Assaulted

  1. Poor Lazlo – A total asswipe, that’s who. Seems to be plenty of them out there on the Left Coast. I read an earlier account – this dickhead stood 6’5″ and was about 40 years younger than Mike S. Now, THAT’S a reeeeeal man! :^*

  2. If this had happened to a communist democrat card-carrying anti-American lefist media mental patient, like wulf blitzer or chris matthews, this would have been above-the-fold NYT material and the perp would be in prison. Rotten basterdz

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