Michelle? – IOTW Report


26 Comments on Michelle?

  1. Construction in Kenya has improved in recent years. They have gone from the traditional mud hut to the mud block hut. The window design is rural Russia. The front door is English, from Yorkshire.

  2. Why do you torture us, Fur? What did we ever do to you? I do not wish to contemplate silverback’s knickers or the contents thereof. That she appears to have escaped some third world jail is terrifying.

  3. One time I made a sheer pair of panties in hot pink nearly that big and hid them in a co workers coat pocket right before he was due to leave for the bar…Hoping that he would pull them out while there and be caught with them. Hehehhehheh. He did.

  4. Years ago a tall gal I worked with was pretty in a Rubenesque way.

    She was upset with herself, told me it was because she found a clothing tag, size 10, on the bedroom floor. She confronted her mild mannered husband, accused him of cheating on her ………turned out it was a tag from one of her underpants.

    True story.

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