Michelle Malkin Has Called It Quits – IOTW Report

Michelle Malkin Has Called It Quits


Because of my peacefully expressed reporting, opinions, and speeches, my family has been punished and stigmatized, my reputation tarnished and my voice squelched.

It’s not “big government” that waged this war on my career. It’s a constellation of vindictive wrong-think police in the private sector, from the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League.

Foreign newspapers and moneyed interests that have no business influencing American politics.

“Conservative” swamp creatures and profiteers such as Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, Mona Charen, and Ben Shapiro, and even former colleagues at the Fox News Channel, which blacklisted me several years ago and told a friend of mine who was a guest on Tucker Carlson’s show not to say my name after antifa rioters had attacked me and others on stage at a Back the Blue rally in Denver a few years ago. (My friend ignored the warning. God bless him.) More


17 Comments on Michelle Malkin Has Called It Quits

  1. I don’t begrudge anyone from having their fill and deciding it’s time for change,”I’ve fought the good fight but I’ve reached the point where I can’t stand the stench, the rancor, the dishonesty, and the vitriol, I need another pursuit, for my own sanity”.

    I would remind her of the old aviation expression that you know you are over the target when you get the most flack.

    Spend some time with the family then go write another book. The world can never have enough God-fearing patriots who understand the stakes and will not retreat in the face of evil.

  2. We all have our limits, especially when we’re being bombarded by liberal rhetoric, lies, condescending bullshit etc.

    It’s all the more reason to band together because they KNOW this is how to diminish the bond that holds GOD fearing people together.

    In case you’ve never heard my sentiments; I HATE LIBERALS.

    Let me reiterate; I FUCKING HATE LIBERALS.

  3. I don’t begrudge her either. She’s done a Yeoman’s job of sticking it to the Left, but there is only so much hammering that a person can take when yer the nail that sticks up, unless of course yer Paul Pelosi…
    have a nuther glass of wine, Paul.

  4. Have been a fan of hers since i heard her Larry Elder’s Show 25 years ago. A true Reagan Republican! Had the guts to call out by name many “Bush Republicans”! Some of the far left GOPe she called out ;by name: GWB, Johnny, Mitt, Mitch, Paul Ryan.

  5. We all can experience burnout. It happens in all types of stressful jobs. Some return after some time even stronger, others retire quietly and enjoy the peacefulness.
    I like other have long been a fan of MM. I wish her the best and thank her for all the fights she has taken head on and the insight she has shared with us.
    Thank you Michelle for all you have given.
    We will always have kind thoughts and words for you.

  6. Her niece was kill here when she was going to the UW and the killer has never been caught, that was a real blow to her,beck blew up it was a long haul for her. Wish her well we need her in the long fight ahead.

  7. Geoff

    Wow duded, I totally forgot about that. Just the fact the killer was never found makes you wonder. Jim Jordan went thru something similar. I wonder if that was a warning too.

  8. ““Conservative” media is not much better. It’s dominated by snot-nosed D.C. libertarian elites from overpriced universities”
    She is absolutely right on this. Others reporting similar impression working with some of the supposedly conservative media.
    A lot of them are part of the reason why conservatives don’t have a voice or why the left almost always are successful in setting false narratives.
    They don’t fight back, nor stop the propaganda in its tracks. Some look the other way, others go along.
    Lately, a disturbing trend is seen in some of them, accepting paid op-ed articles from apologists, lobbyists and sometimes even gov officials from totalitarian states.
    I know the money is tempting, and sometimes they might need some financial support, but selling your soul is not the way to make some money.

  9. Still one of the most well-written books on politics I have ever read was Malkin’s “Culture of Corruption”, and I have been a huge fan ever since. If only we had people with her tenacity and backbone in Washington.


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