Michelle Obama and Menopause – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama and Menopause

(NEWSER) – Michelle Obama was cruising on Marine One when it hit her: a hot flash that felt “like somebody put a furnace in my core and turned it on high. And then everything started melting.” In that moment, the first lady, who was about to walk into an event, thought, “Well this is crazy … I can’t do this,” she tells friend and obstetrician-gynecologist Sharon Malone in the most recent episode of her new podcast. Now taking hormones to better deal with menopause, Obama hopes to comfort women going through the same thing and alert the wider public to an issue generally kept hidden from view. “What a woman’s body is taking her through is important information. It’s an important thing to take up space in a society, because half of us are going through this but we’re living like it’s not happening,” she says, per the Guardian.


44 Comments on Michelle Obama and Menopause

  1. Just no. As a woman, hell no do I want to hear this privileged loser whine about menopause. How low can you go, well we always learn there is another level we intended not to cross.

  2. Fuck This.

    More importantly President Trump’s Brother has died at 71.

    Sincere condolences to the President and the entire Trump family.

  3. “ because half of us are going through this but we’re living like it’s not happening,” she says,”

    Some in the other half “identify” as women and pretend they go through menopause.

    What a fraud. Nothing more than a cardboard cutout with moving lips.

  4. Sure. It’s because of “menopause” that the hulking tranny with the swinging dick is taking female hormones. Whatever. Those hormones aren’t doing the trick because Big Mike still looks like the dude he was born to be.

  5. menopause ? wookie? don’t you need a c#nt for that?

    side note the only job in the medical profession worse then being Nacy’s gynecologists would be Michelle’s proctologist

  6. To BHO:
    I understand what you are and will be going thru for the 10-15 years to come.

    But while I extend my sympathies as a Husband enduring the Emotional swings every few mins and bed covers on and off all night long. But also being a person of the near total opposite side of the political spectrum, I must also wish it be a long and memorable period in your life.

  7. ” a hot flash that felt “like somebody put a furnace in my core and turned it on high. ”

    She thought to herself:
    “but how could this be when my balls still itch?”

    “Now taking hormones to better deal with menopause”
    What it really meant was:
    “now taking even stronger hormones so that its facial and body hair stop growing in so fast & thick”

  8. Men do not have hot flashes. It is biologically impossible. Once again Michael/Michelle Obama our first transvestite he/she/it to masquerade as First Lady in the White House is lying through her cavernous pie hole. Word is that Michael/Michelle is hung like a Shetland pony which is why Ex-Dictator Obama married this dude.
    More believable if Barry/Barack Soweto/Obama said he was having hot flashes since he is more of a woman than Michael/Michelle.

  9. seaoh
    AUGUST 16, 2020 AT 3:58 AM

    “…side note the only job in the medical profession worse then being Nacy’s gynecologists would be Michelle’s proctologist”

    …or Bill’s urologist…

  10. The Mooch being a tranny, did not experience menopause. Men have hot flashes, I’m sure that’s what he experienced as a man. He’s confused just like all trannies are.


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