Michelle Obama bans sugary cereal and fried foods from daycare lunches – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama bans sugary cereal and fried foods from daycare lunches


American Thinker: Michelle Obama has carved out a remarkable extra-constitutional role for herself as America’s food bully, decreeing what can and cannot be served to children in schools and daycare centers that received federal subsidies for food. So all-encompassing is the federal welfare state that this means most American kids are subject to the first lady’s food whims.

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Of course, technically speaking, it is all perfectly legal, resting on a final rule issued Monday by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service as authorized by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.

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12 Comments on Michelle Obama bans sugary cereal and fried foods from daycare lunches

  1. Oh, not soon enough, the time will come for the Obamas to stop honoring themselves by requiring us to honor their horrific, overbearing, pompous, asinine, disgusting, (and on and on), rule. ??

  2. “decreeing what can and cannot be served to children in schools and daycare centers”

    just one msm nwo narrator please ask her, “by what authority” does she “ban” such items?

    just who elected her to what office in the federal government that gives that sasquatch such authority to dictate anything to a citizen.

    the arrogance is strong in these grifters.

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