Michelle Obama blatantly lies about #BLM – Says they are “peaceful” – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama blatantly lies about #BLM – Says they are “peaceful”

31 Comments on Michelle Obama blatantly lies about #BLM – Says they are “peaceful”

  1. Big Mike lies about a lot of things!!

    I wonder did he have his adams apple shaved down like Bruce Jenner did, Ooops I mean Caitlyn Jenner??

    I honestly confess, I constantly confuse the governor of Michigan for Caitlyn Jenner, she must be trans too…

  2. Candace Owens had the final segment on Tucker’s show last night and she had some great points on this. The Obamas are owned and do whatever the party machine needs and they are desperate to spin this damaging narrative. She also pointed out this cringe moment was not only a bad act but pretty much burns whatever the Obamas could have stood for. And she pointed out when Obama originally ran he refused to say that if he lost it was racism. He said it was because he didn’t get his vision out there. What a 180 they’ve done. Because they were nothing, were made by the party and the donors and the internal machine owns them.

  3. What choice did she have? If she told the truth her tongue would catch fire and demons from hell would have borne her down to Satan’s realm for an eternity as his plaything as punishment for breaking their pact. Hmm, she might have liked that.

  4. …peaceful by AFRICAN standards, sure.

    …I mean, they haven’t ripped anyone apart and fed the corpse to the pigs, or cut any babies out of women’s wombs and forced her to eat it, or torn anyone apart by tying ropes to the bumpers of four vehicles going in four different directions, or stoned anyone to death, or ripped anyone’s penis off and sewn it into his wife’s mouth, or ritually eaten each other, or starved anyone to death, or forced children to kill before their 8th birthday, or run over anyone’s arms with a car as a discipline, or locked all the doors on a church with the congregation still inside and burned it down, gut shooting any escapees…


    …at least, that we KNOW of.

    …so, by comparison, peaceful.

    …for NOW….

  5. Very peaceful. Just go ask all those poor black people who had their businesses destroyed by all those peaceful, mostly white, basement dwelling suburban shitheads.


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