Michelle Obama says selfies OK at the White House – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama says selfies OK at the White House

NYP WASHINGTON — Want to take a picture inside the White House Blue Room? Well, it’s now OK to pull out your cellphone or camera and press “shoot.”

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The White House on Wednesday ended a long-standing ban on tourists taking photos or using social media during public tours of the building. Michelle Obama made the announcement in a video posted on her Instagram account. more

17 Comments on Michelle Obama says selfies OK at the White House

  1. How great it’ll be to be on a tour with people turning around with their phones and selfie sticks to take duck lip pics of themselves throwing gang signs in front of paintings and busts of George Washington and Abe Lincoln.


  2. Check out the paint job, it’s awful! How did the censors allow this pic to escape their clutches? Her face is so puffy, looks like she just lost a boxing match.

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