Michelle Obama Thinks Her Arms Were Iconic and Attractive – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama Thinks Her Arms Were Iconic and Attractive

She also claims she is going through menopause.


Michelle Obama’s new book, The Light We Carry, is due out Tuesday, but she’s had something else on her mind lately as well. The former first lady “gets real about menopause” in an interview with People, hoping that her own experiences will spur other women to open up about their own. “I’m going through it, and I know all of my friends are going through it. And the information is sparse,” Obama, 58, tells the magazine, noting that she’s seen the “slow creep” of weight gain since she entered this stage of her life. “You look up and you can’t fit [into] the outfits you had last year,” she says.

She’s also being kinder to herself, and to her body, as she ages. “I find that I cannot push myself as hard as I used to,” she says. “That doesn’t work out for me.” She adds that she still tries to stay fit, but “my goal now, instead of having ‘Michelle Obama arms,’ [is] I just want to keep moving.” 


Yes, keep moving. Move along.

36 Comments on Michelle Obama Thinks Her Arms Were Iconic and Attractive

  1. Is there really someone out there who GsAF about this?
    Some morons leading “lives of quiet desperation” who care about this?

    Could anyone’s life be so empty, so mundane, so devoid of meaning that it would care about the Moose’s … uhhh … “change of life?”

    I know – I know – Fetterman was fraudulently “elected” and the Retarded Pedophile Usurper sits in the White Hut – but really?

    Wobbles the mind.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. A book, interviews and media blitz. “All this”… for a menopausal, aging Big Mike.
    It’s a good thing this evil, traitorous tool gets smacked by reality.
    Only libtards give a crap.

  3. Not the kind of coming out I was expecting from an x linebacker.
    If they are so behind the trans seen why keep the charade up?
    Rivers was 100% right, everybody knows. They must have plans for him?

  4. “The Light We Carry” book title, eh?

    sHe needed beefy arms to carry The Lightbringer…but as he ages he gets tinier and she doesn’t need the beefy biceps anymore. It’s more of a Jack Sprat situation than a menopause one actually.

  5. Nothing Burger. Biden has a mentalpause every day.

    If Michelle Obama wants people to believe he’s a woman, he’s got to show us something to prove it, like an old douche-bag or some other verifiable evidence.

  6. When it’s been four hours and you can’t bat it down with a stick, and now you have to call your physician… the doctor will prescribe a heavy dose of Mooch.


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