Michelle Obama Whines “Even as First Lady, White People Have Treated Me Like I Don’t Exist” – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama Whines “Even as First Lady, White People Have Treated Me Like I Don’t Exist”


Former First Lady Michelle Obama criticized white Americans in her latest edition of The Michelle Obama Podcast, stating that she was treated like she didn’t exist during the presidency of her husband Barack.

“When I’ve been completely incognito during the eight years in the White House, walking the dogs on the canal, people will come up and pet my dogs, but will not look me in the eye. They don’t know it’s me,” Obama recounted, adding later: “That is so telling of how white America views people who are not like them, like we don’t exist. And when we do exist, we exist as a threat. And that’s exhausting.” More

60 Comments on Michelle Obama Whines “Even as First Lady, White People Have Treated Me Like I Don’t Exist”

  1. RadioMattM AUGUST 28, 2020 AT 1:19 PM
    “Doesn’t that statement apply to most First Ladies? They are just like Vice Presidents in that regard.”

    …well, Dolly Madison was kind of special because they named that 2 wheeled cart after her because she wheeled everything out of the White House before the Brits burned it, and also her boxed snack cakes are pretty good, so SHE’S one I’ll remember fondly forever…;)

  2. Good grief, you were on the cover of every magazine at least once and glowing articles galore. Please name one magazine that has featured Melania. Now, there is a woman that is treated like she doesn’t exist–so STFU and quit whining.
    To paraphrase joe6pak–how can we miss you if you won’t go away.

  3. …I also remember Martha Dandridge Washington fondly because we spend a lot of time in Dandridge, TN around where my wife’s kin live, and it’s a pretty country and not too close to all that noise along the Sevierville/Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg tourist trap, so I like her maiden NAME if nothing ELSE…

  4. I remember reading about this encounter:
    Little old while lady – “Excuse me big black lady. You’re so tall. Would you mind reaching for that box of cereal on the top shelf for me?”

  5. Because most of us recognize that transgenderism is a mental disorder.

    We gave this ingrate POS $140 million dollars in paid vacations FREE!!!
    It did NOTHING in return to earn that perk except complain, complain, complain. Now please GO AWAY.

  6. Who would be ignorant enough to say that in public? Now you are ignored and you still don’t get it.
    Let me help you.
    If you don’t have something nice or intelligent to say, shut up.
    If you believe everything is about black vs white, shut up.
    If you can’t stop talking about yourself, shut up.

  7. Even as First Lady, White People Have Treated Me Like I Don’t Exist

    Not all white people (see above comments re: magazine covers).

    I’ll grant you, though, that a lot of people both white and “of color” treated you like they wished you didn’t exist.

  8. Yeah I’m sure you walked your dogs and if so, that your SS detail allowed people to approach you.

    So you’re lying to try and make your pitiful point.

    And like BB says, 8 years of “all this for a flag” made me sick every time I saw your scowling face.

  9. Amazing that she clearly hates everyday Americans yet can not understand why they do not kiss her mannish feet. So self absorbed and tone deaf it is alarming.

  10. Oh, we’re all too aware that this disgusting tranny coon exists and won’t shut the fuck up no matter how many millions of ill-gotten dollars it gets to bathe in.

  11. Bobcat AUGUST 28, 2020 AT 1:27 PM
    “Dicks out for Mooch”

    …I’m gonna cut you some slack since you’re obvioiusly a fellow Harambe fan, but if you REALLY respected the memory of our Great Gorilla, you would certainly NOT besmirch it by comparing a magnificent gentle silverback to whatever the fuck that male thing Barry pretends to be married to is…


    …also, Mooch wouldn’t agree with the saying “ALL lives matter, like Harambe would…


    …and be careful with that “Dicks Out” thing where Mooch is concerned, you MAY get more than you WANT…

  12. Wow, you can learn something new everyday as I thought that Americans worshiped mean and tough middle linebackers! He must have played for Washington , formerly the Red Skins, to feel so unappreciated and unloved!

  13. There was an online picture of her with her dog on the white house lawn a few years ago. People would write appropriate captions. Mine was: “OK, but who picks up who’s poop?”

  14. She was peddling this schtick years ago – reminded me of this and I was shocked it was from 2014….
    “I tell this story – I mean, even as the first lady – during that wonderfully publicized trip I took to Target, not highly disguised, the only person who came up to me in the store was a woman who asked me to help her take something off a shelf. Because she didn’t see me as the first lady, she saw me as someone who could help her. Those kinds of things happen in life. So it isn’t anything new,” Michelle Obama, who is 5’11”, said.

  15. If they were giving out award’s for top narcissist you would receive 2nd prize, and your partner in crime Odumbo would be awarded 1st prize.

    You two are the most pampered assholes I have ever seen. 😁

  16. Her real name is Dick Tucker, most normal humans have a visceral desire to avoid nasty ugly petulant petty he bitches with no soul Manchelle. It has nothing to do with your race and everything to do with your character.

  17. This affirmative action Watusi didn’t get out of bed before noon when living at the White House. When she was not at the White House, she would take her mother on world tours. In Africa, she was a saint; in India and China, she was a joke.

  18. Big Mike, it ain’t just you. Deceptive, dishonest, fraudulent, ungrateful people are despised no matter what color they are. It’s just that you’re about the worst of the worst and America got sick of your phony shit right away. So do us a favor, STFU, ESAD.

  19. She admits to going incognito, yets complains about not being recognized?? At the same time?


    Sounds needy and insecure to me, along with The TDS.

  20. F^2S. Michelle is awfully self conscious about not being likeable. Try being likeable, and expressing some pride in America, and love of the country. Not doing so is why people wish you’d go away,

    Plus, she must not have much experience walking dogs. I used to think, Wow this is a really cool way to meet pretty girls. But alas, it was only partly successful. Pretty girls aplenty came to meet and makeover the dog, but they didn’t talk to me or look at me much. They never asked my name, only the dog’s name. I didn’t take it as personal rejection. Puppies have a way of stealing the show.

    Get over it Michelle, find something else on your long list of stuff to bitch n whine about. People almost always express more interest in the dog than the person they’re attached to by the leash.


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