Michelle Obama’s “Becoming” Is Self-Pitying – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama’s “Becoming” Is Self-Pitying


In her newly released Netflix documentary “Becoming,” former first lady Michelle Obama described having children as a “concession” that cost her “aspirations and dreams.” More

57 Comments on Michelle Obama’s “Becoming” Is Self-Pitying

  1. Takweda and Lumpishia ….or whatever the girl’s names are will NOT be depressed nor suicidal upon reading how their very birth(s) ruined mike’s life, because they know MIKE didn’t birth them.

  2. To funny sayings that remind me of Michelle Obama:

    “MISTAKES: It could be that the only purpose of your life is to serve as a warning to others.”

    “I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no class.”

    I wonder what will be written in her daughters’ books about their mother.

  3. If all she has to say about her “aspirations and dreams” is that her children represent a “cost” then she couldn’t have aspired to motherhood nor dreamt about having a family.

    How sad and deplorable.

  4. So, how can there be so many successful two working parent families? There are apparently a lot of working women out there who can combine a career and motherhood/raising a family, but Michelle O. is admitting to not being one of them?

  5. When did mike o ever write or say anything that was whiny and whingy and bi***hy and feeling sorry for himself? He/she/it is a pathetic overprivileged disgrace that could not work a retail job (bc retail workers have to be punctual polite pleasant competent and put up w a***les and not lose their cool). More cut out to be a useless govt turd in a diversity office.

  6. “…former first lady Michelle Obama described having children as a “concession” that cost her “aspirations and dreams.”

    Next time Mike, check the Return Policy before you make any purchase.

    And just whom do you think you’re fooling? That hospital administrator job was as fake as your ‘womanhood’ and as Barky’s BC.

    ESAD already, gorilla cookies. (or do you really expect me to encourage you to run for potus, because it’s not too late for you??) – again, ESAD

  7. I could be wrong — I frequently am — but something tells me the world was not robbed of anything it could not live without because her aspirations were “dialed back.”

    She gave us:

    – the boob belt
    – gunny sack races and Pilates inside the People’s House
    – 8+ years of trying not to look at her trapezius muscles or her dance routines on the Ellen Dengeneres show.
    – Chairman Mao tree ornaments
    – 8 years of her face on the cover of every print magazine, including the niche periodical “Heavy Horse World.”
    – Fashion tips, like how to wear your sweaters and dresses backwards for a fresh look. And Crocks, the new stiletto.
    – Scratching her itches on international tee vee.
    – Her disturbing scowls and open contempt for Americans.

    Does she ever say what her aspirations were or is she just letting her fans fill in the blank?

  8. Two glaring facts need to be cleared up:
    1. Men are biologically incapable of bearing children so that hulking ex linebacker of a transvestite Moochelle is lying through her teeth.
    2. Since Fact #1 is true therefore when Moochelle talks about “having children” she is not talking about bearing children she is talking about eating children. Moochelle’s immense bulk requires a steady intake of food which in her case includes children.

  9. What was she aspiring to accomplish with her life, considering that the hospital she worked for terminated her office once she went off with her husband into the white house?

    She can’t even fool herself that she isn’t anything more than an assistant grafter to her husband.

  10. Uncle Al

    If all she has to say about her “aspirations and dreams” is that her children represent a “cost” then she couldn’t have aspired to motherhood nor dreamt about having a family.

    How sad and deplorable.

    She is not a deplorable. She is despicable and ungrateful as she always has been
    How women can think she’s so wonderful is beyond me. But then lib women are all despicable

  11. Liquid Concessions

    June 16, 2017

    Joe One Note:
    By the way…We haven’t gone around mourning and talking about how
    great Mikahh is. How honored are you to be working here with Mikahh?
    Katty why are you honored to be here on the set with Mikahh?

    Katty Kay:
    It’s a blessing to serve her Agenda. Her agenda, her Mission.
    To be part of Mikahhs Mission, an honour.

    Joe One Note:
    You have four children. Would you not say serving Mikahh here
    is actually a greater honor and more like a gift from God than
    having had children?

    Katty Kay:
    Pales. Pales by comparision. I would foresake my children in a
    hearbeat for the honour of the Mission, of Mikahhs Mission.

  12. @Being and Nothingness:

    Crocks, the new stiletto

    OMG! I’ve got ham sammich coming out my nose!

    Best LOL of the week…maybe the MONTH!

  13. Where did she suffer the most…

    …getting an affirmative action look-the-other-way degree from Princeton?

    …working multiple no-show jobs for $300k+ per year?

    …getting her fat ugly ass kissed by the press since 2008 for being the ugliest, most ungrateful, most racist, most hateful, and most obnoxious first ladies in US history?

    …traveling the globe in high style for 8 years on the taxpayer dime?

    …earning, with her husband, an 8 figure payoff for shitting all over the future of the US and its legal citizens.

  14. She/he/it is a totally useless, completely malignant asshole, a slob, a contrivance, a racist and ugly as a pan of worm.(She’s got it all!)

    Though she is useful: to traitors.

  15. “In her newly released Netflix documentary “Becoming,” former first lady Michelle Obama described having children as a “concession” that cost her “aspirations and dreams”

    Making their way to the ring, The Squashers of Aspirations and Dreams….the tag team of Sasha and Malia Obama!!!!

  16. S(he) should have returned the two brats to their former owner and demanded a refund of h(is) money and then sued them for ruining h(is) dreams and aspirations!

  17. Maybe instead of bitching about that you could thank the hand of Providence or Alaah or money or whatever you get down on your hairy knees to worship and thank them, and the American people, for putting your skanky ass in a beautiful mansion for 8 long years.
    Graceless, classless cunt.

  18. I did put my dreams aside when the first Manderin came along. Had a once in a lifetime opportunity but put my family first, bowed out, and to this day I never regretted it. But now my sacrifice is paying off in spades.


  19. Actually, Sassy the Sasquach aka Moochelle has made lots of concessions;
    – Adapting to living indoors.
    – Getting used to wearing clothing, footwear and wigs/weaves, (hence the occassional top worn backwards, boob belts.)
    – Attempting to garden instead of foraging, collecting road kill.
    – Being a step “mother” to children of another species.
    – Adapting to being a First “Lady”, married to a gender bender “man”.
    – Constant grooming, manscaping.
    – Traveling the world, seeking Sasquach companionship.

    No wonder “Becoming” is a schtuggle for Moochelle.


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