Michelle Obama’s High-Achieving SOTU Guest Just Flunked Out Of College – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama’s High-Achieving SOTU Guest Just Flunked Out Of College

DC: One of Michelle Obama’s guests at the 2015 State of the Union address was invited because he overcame major obstacles to attend college, but he actually flunked out of school after just two semesters.

Anthony Mendez was a freshman at the University of Hartford when he received an invitation from Obama to attend the State of the Union. Mendez was chosen for his inspiring personal story. Despite spending time in a homeless shelter and having a friend of his murdered while in high school, Mendez was able to graduate high school and go on to college. Mendez met with Michelle Obama in the summer of 2014 and shared his story with her, which prompted her to invite him to the president’s speech about six months later.  MORE

13 Comments on Michelle Obama’s High-Achieving SOTU Guest Just Flunked Out Of College

  1. Another case of affirmative action and the bigotry of low expectations actually harming rather than helping. Promoting and paying for people to attend universities they really aren’t qualified to attend is a waste of resource and leaves the recipient demoralized and in a worse place than they started when they inevitably fail.

  2. Everything and every person the obama’s touch are doomed to failure. Race relations, neutralized our military, international relations is in shambles, the stimulus didn’t stimulate, financial reform didn’t reform, Obamacare is a boondoggle, Iraq and Afghanistan are pits of despair, NSA and Homeland security are spying on Americans, failure funding Green energy projects, politicized the IRS, EPA, FBI, DOJ, DOD, Bureau of Land Management and every other federal agency.
    Isn’t progressive socialism great?

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