Michigan appeals court approves recall petitions for Gov. Whitmer – IOTW Report

Michigan appeals court approves recall petitions for Gov. Whitmer

Just The News-

The Michigan Court of Appeals has approved six petitions for the recall of Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist, over their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The petitions, approved first by Michigan’s Board of State Canvasser, are based on arguments Whitmer exceeded her authority in combatting the COVID-19 pandemic, which included extending a promised “15-day pause” of indoor dining to 75 days.

Petitioner Chad Baase’s recall is based on the argument Whitmer violated the separations of powers clause in the state Constitution by continuing to issue virus-related orders through the state health department, after the Michigan Supreme Court in October tossed many of her orders. 
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9 Comments on Michigan appeals court approves recall petitions for Gov. Whitmer

  1. “A 2012 law prevents governors from being recalled during the last year of their term. Whitmer’s last year as governor, barring reelection, will be 2022.”

    Her lawyers will drag this out until 2022.

  2. I signed one of these petitions last summer. About time. Let’s just keep her sweating. I like it when she is so nervous about her job that she actually does what she promised during the campaign.

    Michigan roads all around me are being resurfaced … FINALLY!

    She is loosening up her fake hysterical covid restrictions and I hardly see people wearing masks anymore.

    Yes, I like to see her sweat. Better her than us!

  3. What pisses me off so much, is that “her lawyers” are paid for by Michigan tax payers.
    We get to pay for that bitch to fight the will of the citizens.
    She’s the Blue Cross Mafia Princess.
    The payment for those shysters should come from her trust fund.


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