Michigan “Kraken” Lawsuit Names State Board Of Canvassers As Well As Gov Whitmer and Sec. of State Benson – IOTW Report

Michigan “Kraken” Lawsuit Names State Board Of Canvassers As Well As Gov Whitmer and Sec. of State Benson

The list of violations in Michigan during the vote count for the November election is extensive and substantiated with affidavits from numerous witnesses in the lawsuit filed by Sidney Powell and company. The statistical section on the impossibility of the dump of votes in four counties is damning and should be headline and lead stories for all major news outlets.

The complaints against Wayne County election officials can be divided into three broad categories; denial of access by observers, ” illegally forged, added, removed or otherwise altered information on ballots, the Qualified Voter File (QVF) and Other Voting Records, violations of Michigan Election Code.

The lawsuit states that upwards of 385,000 ballots were cast that were “nearly 290,000 more ballots processed than available capacity” the day after the election. Of particular interest, on page 45 of the complaint addresses the ballot dumping that occurred In Wayne, Kent, Oakland and Macomb counties. Here the number of votes reported were physically impossible to be counted that quickly.

The full lawsuit Here

26 Comments on Michigan “Kraken” Lawsuit Names State Board Of Canvassers As Well As Gov Whitmer and Sec. of State Benson

  1. I know they were in a hurry, but did anyone proof read this? What the hell is “lockedcredentialedchallengersoutofthe”? Lots of those in the complaint.. It might give a judge reason to throw it out.

  2. Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems like all the requested relief being granted would just through the electoral vote decision on the legislature without them bound by the popular vote.

    I don’t see it as preventing the appointment of electors for the electoral college vote.

    I’m not sure exactly what the State legislative procedure would then be, but I imagine it would end up being decided with a (probably) party line vote.

  3. @Tony R and WTF – read the analysis that posted on the GA filing thread. It covers your observation.

    “…2. The complaint was clearly rushed. At times it was rough and unpolished. There were numerous grammatical errors. But the gist is quite clear and it is clear that the lawyers drafting the complaint certainly knew what they were doing. They dotted the ‘I’s and crossed the ‘T’s so the complaint is not likely to be kicked on a procedural or jurisdictional claim such as standing (a legal doctrine that says that someone who brings a lawsuit must have skin in the game), but I would expect a more polished product if they had more time. However, the copy I have does not have the blue ECF ‘filed’ stamp, so this may not be the final complaint that gets filed. That becomes really important below…”

  4. Oh, this gives me a renewed hope!

    It also makes me believe that Michigan really DIDN’T vote for that dictator pretending to be the governor. I know her as Wretched Witless.

  5. MJA, I have two friends who use talk-to-text. One of them proofreads before he sends and the other one doesn’t.

    Makes for some pretty strange reading. Can’t count the number of times I’ve replied, “Huh”?

  6. @ Tony R NOVEMBER 26, 2020 AT 10:22 AM

    Scriveners error. We are under a tight timeline. The typos that were missed in the proof reading can be corrected now foul, no penalty, so long as the substance of the claim is not affected.

  7. The doctrine of a “scrivener’s error” is the legal principle that a map-drafting or typographical error in a written contract may be corrected by oral evidence if the evidence is clear, convincing, and precise.

  8. I read both last night. There are quite a few of these type of errors in drafting. The legal team has been on 24/7 and I can promise you that right up until the last second we’re focused on the substance.

    Getting the substance in the filings is paramount

  9. Actually, the media is focused on the typos, most of which emanate from scanning a text document into searchable PDF. It runs through OCR which isn’t perfect. That tells me they are having trouble fingering out how to deal with the FACTS contained therein w/o arousing the curiosity of the unwashed masses.

    All that is going to have to happen is that the public becomes aware of what was actually going on and it is all over but the hangings.

  10. Sidney P. has her own website. She’s doing this on her own dime and is asking for donations to help keep her going.
    I sent her some money and want to soon send more.
    Help her help us.

  11. Why be hard on TuCa. All he said was Sidney should put up or shut up. And the media jumped on it to try to discredit La Sid

    Now that she has indeed put up, how much credibility does the media have? Zero! Its almost as if TuCa was part of the set up.

    The only downside here is that we all felt completely disheartened over the weekend. I know I did

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