Michigan Pilot Gives Gretchen Whitmer A Literal “F U” Over State Lockdown – IOTW Report

Michigan Pilot Gives Gretchen Whitmer A Literal “F U” Over State Lockdown

Daily Caller: A Michigan pilot let Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, and the rest of the country, know in no uncertain terms how he feels about her state lockdown orders.

45-year-old Ed Frederick took an hour or so to chart a flight path over the Grand Rapids area that spelled out the letters “F U,” concluding in an “arrow pointing directly over the governor’s mansion,” the New York Post reported. read more

17 Comments on Michigan Pilot Gives Gretchen Whitmer A Literal “F U” Over State Lockdown

  1. IMHO Gretchen is a proper name for a large breed female dog, like a Rottweiler. In other words, properly said, a big bitch. Again, IMHO, the name has lost its utility among North American female human beings. Just saying.

  2. Answerman Cooper MAY 2, 2020 AT 3:16 PM

    A statewide ban on all private aviation pending.

    No flying was done.

    I wondered how he could point to a house with sky writing, then I see I jumped to the “sky writing” on my own and it’s just a screen shot of the flight path that was plotted instead. Had to re-read the description and sure enough, never said he flew it.

    Love it anyway. Plus he was never a physical threat to anyone doing it this way.

  3. @ Burr – “…Bob, that’s a good idea. Plane rental is down to 150 an hour INCLUDING GAS…”

    That should be considered a Public Service, provided at NO charge.

  4. I’m just sayin’ it’s about half of what it usually is.

    I’m doin’ it. Taking my neighbor who works the flight line at the local aviation school.

    Just figure if they’re advertising on craigslist….. they must really need the dough.And I can always use more time in the air.

    If I can find smoke pods, yes, I will of course draw a giant air penis.


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