Michigan Republicans introduce articles of impeachment against Gov Whitmer and her ‘quest of corruption’ – IOTW Report

Michigan Republicans introduce articles of impeachment against Gov Whitmer and her ‘quest of corruption’


Three Republican members of Michigan’s GOP-controlled House of Representatives have chosen to “rise up” against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and her controversial lockdown restrictions by plotting her impeachment.

Led by state Rep. Beau M. LaFave, on Wednesday the trio introduced four Articles of Impeachment against Whitmer for “failing to respect the separation of powers by exercising power granted to the legislative branch, violating the constitutional rights of the people of Michigan, issuing executive orders against the interests of the people and state, and using state resources to reward political allies.” more

19 Comments on Michigan Republicans introduce articles of impeachment against Gov Whitmer and her ‘quest of corruption’

  1. If only the Michigan courts will only let this proceed. I am not holding my breath but from my limited understanding of the law, I can hope that those legal authorities and judges do not arbitrarily dismiss this because of their political biases.

  2. “…Michigan House Speaker Lee Chatfield, a Republican, opposes the plan because he doesn’t want to emulate the behavior of congressional Democrats, who earlier this year impeached President Donald Trump…”

    That’s a bogus, mealy-mouthed, milquetoast, non-starter excuse to avoid having to take a difficult position. There is a glaring difference between Trump’s “impeachment” and the proposed impeachment of Frau Adele Whitlermer. Trump did NOTHING. Frau Whitlermer has unconstitutionally and unilaterally.

  3. I just saw that I didn’t finish my comment.

    …unconstitutionally and unilaterally infringed upon the rights of the citizens of Michigan.

    Damn, I miss the edit feature. Any chance of getting that back?

  4. Just so you know, we will soon be suffering under another ridiculous edict she will impose on us for punishment. Anytime we, or anyone, dares to stand up to her, she comes up with a retribution meant to make us suffer even more grievously.

    She is insufferable.

  5. ode to MI gubmint #3:
    .a dhimmi-rat “loy-uh” named “seeds”
    .said i alone know what youse’ needs,
    .obey my commandments & fast,
    .kiss my royal commie-a**,
    .or i’ll s**t on this state ’til it bleeds!


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