Michigan State U Police: Object Reported As ‘Noose’ Was A Shoelace – IOTW Report

Michigan State U Police: Object Reported As ‘Noose’ Was A Shoelace


On Wednesday a student reported that they had seen a “noose” hanging outside of a dorm room in her residence hall at Michigan State University. By Thursday, campus police had determined that the “noose” was actually just a shoelace. According to reports, the shoelace was tied to the door belonging to two black female students in Holden Hall.


h/t Blazing Cat Fur  <— Go say hi.


18 Comments on Michigan State U Police: Object Reported As ‘Noose’ Was A Shoelace

  1. Children whose parents never took them over to look in the closet or under the bed when their overactive imaginations convinced them there were monsters there.

  2. Too bad Melissa Harris Perry’s career died. I would have enjoyed her accessorizing of banana peels and shoelaces. But now I know what to put on my truck antenna.

  3. Bowling Green Student Claims KKK on Campus After Spotting White Hood. It’s Actually Just A Plastic Cover On A Projector.

    Liberals trying to “out-crazy” each other again.

    Now we just have to determine the race of the triggered shoelace/noose hallucinator and if there are any CCTV camera footage showing them planting it.


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