Micronesia’s President Wants You To Know Your President Might Be Working For The Chinese – IOTW Report

Micronesia’s President Wants You To Know Your President Might Be Working For The Chinese

AND Magazine: The House Republicans are finally beginning to dig seriously into the connections between the Bidens and the Chinese Communist Party. Yet, still, as a nation, we seem to be finding it difficult to face the potential implications of what we know.

There is something there. It is terrifying. Maybe we just don’t want to acknowledge it.

Perhaps we ought to turn for help to the outgoing President of the Federated States of Micronesia, David Panuelo. Panuelo has a reputation for integrity and candor, and as he prepares to leave office in a couple of months he is sounding the alarm regarding Chinese influence buying operations in his strategically placed nation.

In a recent letter, Panuelo held virtually nothing back concerning the scale and effectiveness of Chinese efforts to bribe and control Micronesian elected officials. He said that the Chinese provided smartphones, alcohol, and envelopes full of cash.more

12 Comments on Micronesia’s President Wants You To Know Your President Might Be Working For The Chinese

  1. Biden’s not working for the ChYnEese.
    He works for who ever slips him a few Million Via Hunter.

    Notice hos his PRICE went up from Hundreds of Thousands…

  2. Wild Bill
    MARCH 25, 2023 AT 1:25 PM
    “Biden* would gladly sell out the United States to line his own pockets.”

    C’mon man! You’re just showing how inor…igsno…you know, the thing that you are!

    It’s not that I WOULD sell out the Newknighted Steaks,

    Because I already DID. Long time ago. And I’ll do it again. Watch me.

  3. Quite frankly, Biden should be executed for crimes against the United States, that much is obvious. However, were that to happen the corruption would not end. Beijing needs to glow in the dark as well.


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