Mid-Winter Blues – IOTW Report

Mid-Winter Blues

Images from:

1) Claudia (Sammy) warming my feet on a cold winter night in Michigan. He doesn’t look happy because he’d rather be warm than warming my cold feet.
2,3,4,5,6,7) Unsplash.com

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:



  1. A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

1-14 You May Call Me Your Highness – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON – Are your critters royalty? Or, just think they are?
1-21 Guess What I’m Thinking – Critters with expressions on their faces that you aren’t sure what they are thinking.
1-28 Random iOTWr Critters – I’m getting low on my reader’s inventory of photos. Send whatever of your critter pictures you would like to share!

9 Comments on Mid-Winter Blues

  1. No blues here in Chatham Center NY, yet @ (08:00). Light snow 1/2 inch, one of three feral cats is having breakfast on my porch with just a few light flakes of snow floating down to earth. We’ll see what the day brings. I hope everyone is safe, but don’t push your limits, or you allotted luck, if any is left. I’m sure the ERs have it hands full and doesn’t want you today.

  2. No such I,ages here in Appalachia Tenn. Just a cold, damp drizzle with no sunshine in today’s forecast.
    Still, it’s alway sunny at Claudia’s page. Thank you!

  3. We got 3 or 4 inches of new snow, it looks like a winter wonderland out there. It’s supposed to start warming up tomorrow so it will turn into sloppy mush soon.

  4. Yesterday I drove by some guys goose hunting in a field in a blind made of corn stalks, with their decoys spread out all around them. The snow was falling and had dusted the ground. Not far away I saw some geese flying in that direction. The perfect scenario. I wanted to stop the car to watch how things went but we were already behind schedule. I sooooo wanted to be there…


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