It’s a graphic display of violence in a video. That work for you?
made my day
Oh, and I loved the graphic in one of the replies.
It describes Obama pretty well.
He’s like a Pigeon playing chess. He knocks over all the pieces creating chaos in everything he touches, craps on the board, aka the world stage. Then struts around like he won.
I see domestic violence is getting out of hand in the Middle East.
Hahahaha now I understand why muslim men don’t let women drive.
So John Kerrys son in law raped Chelsea Clinton…. she knocks him ober.
He was jay walking, stupid Mustafa
No there no scorn like a Nanny Goat scorned!
Boy Kathleen really fucked him up but good. She knocked the scummer at least fifteen paces. That should keep him out of the saddle for a few years.
i watched it 3 times and that dumbass muslim gets hit everytime.
not that thats a bad thing..
That’s funny stuff.
The Goat was asking for it!
And here, all this time, you thought you had to worry about those ly’n, damned sheep.
It’s a video….. Not a graphic…..
A Muslim country? Shouldn’t she have gone after 5 or 6 of these ass lifters?
stupid Ahmed. Dodge Ram AND ewe.
think i’ll watch it a couple more times
Uh oh. Looks like they need one of those Swedish Male Rape Clinics. For goats. .
It’s a graphic display of violence in a video. That work for you?
made my day
Oh, and I loved the graphic in one of the replies.
It describes Obama pretty well.
He’s like a Pigeon playing chess. He knocks over all the pieces creating chaos in everything he touches, craps on the board, aka the world stage. Then struts around like he won.
I see domestic violence is getting out of hand in the Middle East.
Better put some ice on that!
This one didn’t live to get revenge
Damn Mohammed ……… I said this was a goat ropin’ contest, not a goat rapin’ contest.
That is why one must kill and eat the goat after giving him pleasure … sometimes the goat does not … appreciate … the honor we place in him.
That provocative goat was asking for it. Where are the five male witnesses?