Mike Johnson’s Latest Spending Scheme Proves He’s Democrats’ Useful Idiot – IOTW Report

Mike Johnson’s Latest Spending Scheme Proves He’s Democrats’ Useful Idiot

Mike Johnson is a pathetic excuse for a Republican who has no business being speaker, let alone a congressman.

15 Comments on Mike Johnson’s Latest Spending Scheme Proves He’s Democrats’ Useful Idiot

  1. Instead of cleaning toilets in your shop, which I would expect to be as clean as bathrooms could be, I would contribute to a fund to pay him to clean the public restrooms in any democrat run city in the country! The worm of a man is useless, get rid of him!

  2. I was hopeful when I saw him with the POTUS-elect group at the Army/Navy game suite, but thought he looked so out of place. He looked like an insurance actuarial and no one was interacting with him. He’s not a MAGA team player and needs to go. Why do we keep getting stuck with RINO Speakers who cancel out all our hard-won gains?

  3. It seems like it was just last week when he was the junkyard dog yapping at a hostile witness like he was all patriotic and shit in front of the cameras.

    Yes, it was just last week. He musta had indigestion.

  4. Trump should have a standing rule. Any bill more than ten pages long gets vetoed. Any bill that funds unrelated things gets vetoed. No more sneaking in bullshit, at least not on his watch.


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