Mike Johnson is a pathetic excuse for a Republican who has no business being speaker, let alone a congressman.
15 Comments on Mike Johnson’s Latest Spending Scheme Proves He’s Democrats’ Useful Idiot
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Mike Johnson is a pathetic excuse for a Republican who has no business being speaker, let alone a congressman.
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Congresswoman Spartz Says Mike Johnson Only Talked to Democrats About CR:
I’ve hired my fair share of people in my lifetime. I wouldn’t have hired Mike lil Johnson to clean the toilets in my shop. Who voted for the pixie?
Instead of cleaning toilets in your shop, which I would expect to be as clean as bathrooms could be, I would contribute to a fund to pay him to clean the public restrooms in any democrat run city in the country! The worm of a man is useless, get rid of him!
If Johnson were worthless he’d be a better Speaker – he’s a traitor – not just to his party but to the Republic.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
I was hopeful when I saw him with the POTUS-elect group at the Army/Navy game suite, but thought he looked so out of place. He looked like an insurance actuarial and no one was interacting with him. He’s not a MAGA team player and needs to go. Why do we keep getting stuck with RINO Speakers who cancel out all our hard-won gains?
it’s easier to answer who didn’t vote for the pixie as it requires less pixels.
representative government at its finest.
republicant sphincters-oth: your “job” description does not include giving blowjobs to pedocrats. in dc or the tx assembly.
It seems like it was just last week when he was the junkyard dog yapping at a hostile witness like he was all patriotic and shit in front of the cameras.
Yes, it was just last week. He musta had indigestion.
Democrats running shit from the minority as usual.🥴
Trump should have a standing rule. Any bill more than ten pages long gets vetoed. Any bill that funds unrelated things gets vetoed. No more sneaking in bullshit, at least not on his watch.
Boehner, Ryan, McCarthy, Johnson and the next and the next and the next. Rally round the republican party boys, it’s our only way out. FRP
He’s not just the Dems’ ‘useful idiot’, he is clearly as big a TRAITOR as any of them.
And in his position as Speaker, his TREASON is on a bigger scale.
We tried to get the right person in. The swamp is deep.
Politicians are snakes.