Mike Lee as SCOTUS Pick??? Pfffffffffffffffftttt – IOTW Report

Mike Lee as SCOTUS Pick??? Pfffffffffffffffftttt

Flashback to Mike Lee on the convention floor trying to block Trump from getting the nomination, doing anything and everything from having it happen.

Do you reward a saboteur? I don’t think so.


40 Comments on Mike Lee as SCOTUS Pick??? Pfffffffffffffffftttt

  1. Some days I don’t know whether to laugh or weep over the sheer stupid, block-headedness, ridiculousness and bona fide half-wittedness of people like Lee and Shapiro. And you just know there are a bunch more just like them trying to finagle their way back into the Beltway in some way or other.

  2. I trust my gut and I don’t trust Mike Lee. Had a very brief encounter with him, expressing support for him at the WWII Memorial during the obama gov shutdown and he treated me like a grub eating his prized rose bush.

    There’s something about that guy. Um. No.

  3. NO WAY. Erick Erickson was on the radio today, calling Lee one of his best friends. Absolutely NO WAY. I hope Trump is trolling the nevertrumpers or trying to catch a leaker.

  4. Mike is my neighbor – or used to be until he packed up and moved to Washington, DC. His father was the Solicitor General of the United States under President Reagan. I actually think he would be an excellent supreme court justice, but like others here have expressed, I think President Trump is dangling this in front of him, but ultimately will reward those who supported him through thick and thin.

  5. Mike Lee and Ted Cruz can Kiss my ass.
    These two a holes all most cost us Trump;and a lot people still want to forgive them, yes they are helping Trump for now: but make no mistake they will stab him in the back at the first chance they get.
    How soon we all forget the battles we had here in 2015-2016.
    Lee and Cruz can stay in the senate and dream of being on the court.

  6. It’s the logical choice. You can’t deny Mike Lee is a strong constitutionalist. Mike Lee is still an obstructionist for the Trump agenda. Put him on the bench. Problem solved.

  7. Off/Not Off Topic. I have no immediate opinion about potential nominees, but I was reviewing the most consequential SC ruling of my lifetime and it belies the importance of this decision.

    Roe V Wade. Legalizing abortion. 1973.

    Case was a 7-2 decision. SEVEN to TWO.
    Of the 7 in favor, 5 were republican appointees. Of the 7 in favor, 1 was appointed by FDR, so longevity is a crucial factor.

    3 pro abortion were from Nixon; Blackmun, Burger, Powell.
    2 from Ike; Brennan, Stewart
    1 from LBJ. Marshall
    And William O. Douglas, appointed in 1937 by FDR. Row V Wade was 36 years after that appointment.

    This nominee decision is vitally important and has long lasting consequences.

    This ain’t bean bag and it’s total war. The left gets it.
    Gird your loins.

  8. Mike Lee was a tea party carpetbagger like Rubio and a bunch of others who took our support then once they got to D.C. acted like we were their embarrassing, hayseed cousins. He didn’t dance with those what brung him.

    That’s all I need to know about the guy.

  9. He does not impress me. I hope PDT is just toying with him, like the Romney SoS game.
    “Conservative “ justices almost invariably drift Squishy Left, as soon as the swearing in is complete.
    Many do a complete U-turn; Obamacare Roberts for example.
    Kennedy was a Reagan appointee, but became the “persuadable” reliable vote for the Hard Left.
    Scalia was a rare exception, all honor to him.

    This next appointment will be huge, and irreversible. PDT has accepted terrible advice on crucial appointees who proved to be Deep State saboteurs— Jeff Sessions, Chris Wray, Betsy DeVos, McMaster.
    I pray for his health, his safety, and for divine guidance.

  10. I’d like to see Judge Don Willet of Texas. He’s a strong conservative, young, and has a great sense of humor.

    But, after nominating Neil Gorsuch, I have no doubt that POTUS will make a good selection. And I don’t think it will be Lee or Cruz.

  11. Keep in mind whoever it is needs to have all history known before they get in there so they can’t be NSAed like Roberts might have been.
    If your dirty stay the hell out.

  12. Mark Levin just suggested Mike Lee. I don’t agree with Mark on this. Lee tried to scuttle Trump. Trump has many others to select from.

    The nominee for Veterans Affairs Secretary, Robert Wilke. has fucked up hair.
    Never trust a GI with fucked up hair. Just sayin’.

  13. I really didn’t know much of him until he ran for Senate, but I have grown to dislike him since. I would not grieve if he were to be nominated, confirmed and appointed — quickly. Perhaps that is too selfish, considering the damage he could do.

  14. It’s so great to see the DO NOTHINGS get all riled up when a Republican actually wants to do something.

    It’s all campaign chest thrusting until they actually have power and get elected, then they can’t find enough excuses to NOT do what they were elected to do.

  15. Mike Lee showed his judgement when he turned on Trump. Bad judgement like that while on the Supreme Court could have
    devastating consequences. He needs to take his phony moral superiority elsewhere.


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