Mike Lindell Speaks At The Bikers For Trump Mother’s Day Rally – IOTW Report

Mike Lindell Speaks At The Bikers For Trump Mother’s Day Rally

Mike Lindell was on fire….listen to him telling this story about how he wanted Dominion to sue him.

10 Comments on Mike Lindell Speaks At The Bikers For Trump Mother’s Day Rally

  1. As many have pointed out, suing people does not mean they just give you money. There is this thing called discovery, and they get to fight back.

  2. I like the hell out of Mike Lindell, and I hope he makes a billion dollars and continues to support Patriots like Donald Trump. However, we bought a few of his pillows and I’ve gone back to my old ones. The My Pillows are in the guest room that’s set aside for liberal guests.

  3. I get “fund raiser” inquiries from Bikers For Trump daily. I’m thinking none of these assholes own a Harley. Send us money for our new green Harleys. I’m just sayen, something isn’t smelling right here.

  4. Attention joe6 & Brad.
    As two dedicated, long term ambassadors of iotw, can you PLEASE acquire an avatar?
    Brad, take a Glock thumbnail and use that.
    I have one for you but sadly the Glock has jammed in the pic.
    We’ve talked about that…

    joe6, I actually had a screen saver of YOUR truck with two awesome Trump magnets!
    GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!

  5. I actually looked, Brad!
    Would have been epic if it had a penis!
    Seriously, what will it take to goad you motherfuckers into getting an avatar?
    Claudia offers free avatar lessons on a weekly basis…

    I like looking on the left side to see avatars of fellow commentors.
    This aint fucking witness protection!

  6. I like the avatars too. I’m ocd about having pics in my contacts list on my phone. Even if it’s just a picture of a bill from a business. I’m just old RottyLover. Now with an Aussie. Can you believe it will be 3 years since Jim died in Oct.? Sigh. It might be my pain meds talking.


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