Mike Pence Interview This Evening – IOTW Report

Mike Pence Interview This Evening

-Regarding Pence’s tweet that he found Trump’s position that barring Muslims from entering the country offensive and unconstitutional, Pence said that he is in agreement with Trump now. Something “different” must be done. Following San Bernardino, Pence suspended the Syrian refugee program in Indiana.

There is no higher priority than the safety and security of Americans. Trump believes this. Pence believes this.

Hillary’s plan to increase refugee program by 550% is reckless and irresponsible.

-Pence is in sync with everything Trump has said about illegal immigration.

No amnesty. Big wall. Enforcement.

-Trump is the people’s choice because he understands the anxiety and exasperation of the American public.

The party will rally around Trump because he is a good man.


part 2

5 Comments on Mike Pence Interview This Evening

  1. All of a sudden Trump is climbing ahead in the polls. I wonder why?

    Maybe people have had enough of the bi-lateral shitstorm described as Islam and Progressivism.

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