Mike Pence Wipes the Floor With Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Coronavirus – IOTW Report

Mike Pence Wipes the Floor With Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Coronavirus

PJM– During the vice-presidential debate on Wednesday, Vice President Mike Pence wiped the floor with Democratic nominee Joe Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris, on the coronavirus pandemic.

Pence began by noting that Trump did “what no other American president had ever done, he suspended all travel from China.”

“Joe Biden opposed that decision, he said it was xenophobic and hysterical,” the vice president continued. Indeed, Biden did oppose the ban. Yet the China travel ban “saved hundreds of thousands of American lives.”

Next, Pence hit Biden on plagiarizing Trump’s policy response to the pandemic.

“When I look at their plan that talks about advancing testing, creating new PPE, developing a vaccine, it looks a little bit like plagiarism, which is something Joe Biden knows a little bit about,” the vice president quipped, noting that Biden suspended his 1988 presidential campaign after confessing to plagiarism. read more

9 Comments on Mike Pence Wipes the Floor With Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Coronavirus

  1. Now the debate commission wants the next Presidential debate virtual. They’ll have Joe at a Drive-in theater so he’ll have no trouble seeing his teleprompter screen while the worlds fastest typist feeds him.

  2. All I can say is that Pence is pretty “fly” for a white guy.

    The fly was the best part of the debate and probably was laying eggs in the VP’s hair since the fly couldn’t trust Kah-ma-lahhhh to take care of them.

    Okay, I’m done.

  3. I tried to watch, but every time they panned the camera to Harris I kept hearing Captain Quint:
    “You know the thing about a shark, he’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eye.”
    What I did see of it, VP Pence was on point and target.

  4. You can say Biden won or that Harris one, but (IMO) almost no one that watched it came away with a different attitude or view about who to vote for than they held when they started watching it.

    Personally, I think Biden was far better than Harris but that’s the way I expected to be anyway. People see what they want to see, what they expect to see.

  5. Who’s upvoting the bots today? Progressive Libertine, is that you? Look, I know you had a bad night, but you don’t have to post as Anonymous and upvote the bots. That’s lame Just lurk today, okay?


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