Mike Prance – IOTW Report

Mike Prance

22 Comments on Mike Prance

  1. Oh my….“little phoney pony prancer”….
    He’s in it for the campaign cash….
    and to split the vote….they’re hoping they get to decide their candidate at the convention.

  2. One must ask oneself, “how did Pence not get charged for supposedly having classified documents?”

    Then one must ask oneself, “what did he promise the Biden admin he would do (to Trump) to keep from being charged?”

  3. Anonymous: Tiny Tim was actually in the TV movie pilot of Ironside in 1967. Of course I did not know who he was at the time, but I sure knew him when I saw the movie again a few years later. He was a performer at a strange night club. Imagine that.

  4. He also just said h would not commit to pardoning Trump should he be convicted. Of course not, he’s one of them. He then said he cannot defend what has been alleged against Trump.
    Wasn’t this asshat just investigated for mishandling classified documents. We’re definitely watching the globalists on a full court press.

  5. Desperately trying to show that he’s not low-energy like Jeb! Please don’t clap, Mike.

    And all of those Uniparty RINOs are positively giddy about the prospect of Trump being thrown in jail, and off the trail. I hope that encourages ten more of them to run. And clap, and skip, and pirouette, and do somersaults, and cartwheels…whatever tricks they feel up to performing. Bunch of dipshits.


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