What happens when they start ripping down statues of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young? – JD Hasty
I just listened to @SenMikeLee on @Foxnews@ShannonBream say that the people tearing down statues have a valid grievance. REALLY? What’s the grievance? What justifies arson, lawlessness, looting? Stop cowering to thugs!
Mike Lee needs to be voted out. That would be a real valid grievance.
This activism is running out of control exactly because of worms like Lee.
It depends on who’s ox is gored.
What is it with Utah politicians? The “Go against the conservative grain for political notoriety” is counterproductive. And Mike Lee has made a career at it.
If you side with chaos and anarchy you will be consumed by them! Happy trails Mike Lee.
The totalitarians’ destruction of statues, and the past, in general, has nothing to do with “grievances” and everything to do with trying to control History.
I find it difficult to believe that all the talking heads, media maggots, politicians, and “pundits” can be so systematically, universally, absolutely, abysmally wrong about so obvious a trend. In fact, I’m inclined to observe some complicity – like that disingenuous “… yeah, the cops ARE racist, BUT …”
Total fucking bullshit.
There is much with which I disagree, but burning and/or bombing CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, Starbucks, CFA, MSLSD, NFL, Hollyweird, &c. would still be wrong.
Tearing down their signs would STILL be vandalism.
Killing them as they went to work would STILL be murder (homicide, at least).
Attacking their families would STILL be assault.
Screaming at them as they tried to have a meal in a restaurant would STILL be assault.
“For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind … ”
On Dec. 7, 1941, some people did something; on Aug. 6, 1945 some other people did something else – basically: start some shit, get ready for some other shit.
izlamo delenda est …
Let’s put up statues of men with 5 o’clock shadow in a dress and “youths” walking with their pants hanging below their backsides.
If you listened to this from high orbit, you would think this is a country comprised of perverts, mentally ill and criminals. It is not, it is only run by them. A time to kill
I wonder who promised him what to say stupid things?
What the hell happens when these politicians go to DC? Years ago when he was first elected to the Senate, Lee was seemingly solid. Now? WTF?
Where are ANY Republicans standing on the Capital steps calling out this rioting & looting? I’ve seen 1 guy, 1 Senator, Tom Cotton standing up for this country & watching Trump’s 6. What a bunch of fucking pussies.
The crimes and treason being committed by antifa and their cohorts is only limited by what gets their attention and the jurisdiction of the democrat/RINO politicians.
The Mormons have cut a deal with the PRC. They’re part of the cabal of all democrats, most GOP leadership, and various other groups that are all basically working towards a Chinese takeover of the US, and it’s been going on for decades. The Chinese play Go. Americans play video games. They win the way water wears down stone. American minds are just filled with CGI images of ruined landscapes which they’ve been brainwashed to believe signifies “victory” by Hollywood psychopaths.
There is systemic criminality in the black community and police use mostly proper policing techniques.
If we can’t say that, then the country will burn down and it deserves to burn down.
Given the Mountain Meadows Massacre, I would say that they deserve to have their statues torn down.
Prediction: Mitt will echo Lee, with bonus Trump-slagging, by noon.
surprisingly the children have not vandalized the lenin statue in the fremont neighborhood of seattle ……….
I’ve noticed that in history, including in my lifetime….when wars abroad have been won, those “liberated” (usually by or with the help of American soldiers)immediately demolish the icons/statues of their former leaders.
What am I suppose to surmise from recent and ongoing events here at home?
All the big campaign money is controlled by Mitch’s bitches. If a candidate doesn’t agree to bow to the deep state then they’d rather send money and support to the democrat running against them.
Play ball or screw you!
#Quinn: Now for the rest of the story:
The Missourians killed, raped and drove the Mormons out of Missouri by force of arms. The Mormons gave up their homes, property, livelihoods, and most importantly, their country and moved a thousand miles into the desert to distance themselves from haters, mobs, gangsters, violence and an official “Extermination Order” issued by the Governor of Missouri that warned them to move or all would be killed by the power of the state! Then a wagon train of mostly Arkansas immigrants came toddling thru Utah territory telling the Mormon settlers that they planned to do the same thing to them that the Missourians did to them in Missouri! Hey, not so fast!
@Bongo June 23, 2020 at 10:08 am
> What am I suppose to surmise from recent and ongoing events here at home?
That hope springs eternal.
Why the “shock”?!@?#
Mike has always been a GWB man!@#!@%?*$ He still is a GWB man; as is Mitt!@!?!#$
A statue of Brigham Young standing on BYU campus was vandalized last week, so we have already passed that threshold. Sen. Lee (R-Bangalore), is simply overcome by his innate sense of political self-preservation, helped along by his major donors.
He pretends to be a conservative warrior, but he comes from the same self-serving lickspittle that populates the swamp. Lee is a career swamp-dweller. DC changed him, or rather, polished the turd that dumped itself there, long before he ran for public office.
Republican officeholders are weak because most Republican voters (and voters in general) are gullible fools, too fond of rhetoric and symbolic gestures, too lazy to properly vet a candidate, and far too willing to re-elect proven turncoats and hypocrites.
Mike Lee needs to be voted out. That would be a real valid grievance.
This activism is running out of control exactly because of worms like Lee.
It depends on who’s ox is gored.
What is it with Utah politicians? The “Go against the conservative grain for political notoriety” is counterproductive. And Mike Lee has made a career at it.
If you side with chaos and anarchy you will be consumed by them! Happy trails Mike Lee.
The totalitarians’ destruction of statues, and the past, in general, has nothing to do with “grievances” and everything to do with trying to control History.
I find it difficult to believe that all the talking heads, media maggots, politicians, and “pundits” can be so systematically, universally, absolutely, abysmally wrong about so obvious a trend. In fact, I’m inclined to observe some complicity – like that disingenuous “… yeah, the cops ARE racist, BUT …”
Total fucking bullshit.
There is much with which I disagree, but burning and/or bombing CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, Starbucks, CFA, MSLSD, NFL, Hollyweird, &c. would still be wrong.
Tearing down their signs would STILL be vandalism.
Killing them as they went to work would STILL be murder (homicide, at least).
Attacking their families would STILL be assault.
Screaming at them as they tried to have a meal in a restaurant would STILL be assault.
“For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind … ”
On Dec. 7, 1941, some people did something; on Aug. 6, 1945 some other people did something else – basically: start some shit, get ready for some other shit.
izlamo delenda est …
Let’s put up statues of men with 5 o’clock shadow in a dress and “youths” walking with their pants hanging below their backsides.
If you listened to this from high orbit, you would think this is a country comprised of perverts, mentally ill and criminals. It is not, it is only run by them. A time to kill
I wonder who promised him what to say stupid things?
What the hell happens when these politicians go to DC? Years ago when he was first elected to the Senate, Lee was seemingly solid. Now? WTF?
Where are ANY Republicans standing on the Capital steps calling out this rioting & looting? I’ve seen 1 guy, 1 Senator, Tom Cotton standing up for this country & watching Trump’s 6. What a bunch of fucking pussies.
The crimes and treason being committed by antifa and their cohorts is only limited by what gets their attention and the jurisdiction of the democrat/RINO politicians.
The Mormons have cut a deal with the PRC. They’re part of the cabal of all democrats, most GOP leadership, and various other groups that are all basically working towards a Chinese takeover of the US, and it’s been going on for decades. The Chinese play Go. Americans play video games. They win the way water wears down stone. American minds are just filled with CGI images of ruined landscapes which they’ve been brainwashed to believe signifies “victory” by Hollywood psychopaths.
There is systemic criminality in the black community and police use mostly proper policing techniques.
If we can’t say that, then the country will burn down and it deserves to burn down.
Given the Mountain Meadows Massacre, I would say that they deserve to have their statues torn down.
Prediction: Mitt will echo Lee, with bonus Trump-slagging, by noon.
surprisingly the children have not vandalized the lenin statue in the fremont neighborhood of seattle ……….
I’ve noticed that in history, including in my lifetime….when wars abroad have been won, those “liberated” (usually by or with the help of American soldiers)immediately demolish the icons/statues of their former leaders.
What am I suppose to surmise from recent and ongoing events here at home?
All the big campaign money is controlled by Mitch’s bitches. If a candidate doesn’t agree to bow to the deep state then they’d rather send money and support to the democrat running against them.
Play ball or screw you!
#Quinn: Now for the rest of the story:
The Missourians killed, raped and drove the Mormons out of Missouri by force of arms. The Mormons gave up their homes, property, livelihoods, and most importantly, their country and moved a thousand miles into the desert to distance themselves from haters, mobs, gangsters, violence and an official “Extermination Order” issued by the Governor of Missouri that warned them to move or all would be killed by the power of the state! Then a wagon train of mostly Arkansas immigrants came toddling thru Utah territory telling the Mormon settlers that they planned to do the same thing to them that the Missourians did to them in Missouri! Hey, not so fast!
@Bongo June 23, 2020 at 10:08 am
> What am I suppose to surmise from recent and ongoing events here at home?
That hope springs eternal.
Why the “shock”?!@?#
Mike has always been a GWB man!@#!@%?*$ He still is a GWB man; as is Mitt!@!?!#$
A statue of Brigham Young standing on BYU campus was vandalized last week, so we have already passed that threshold. Sen. Lee (R-Bangalore), is simply overcome by his innate sense of political self-preservation, helped along by his major donors.
He pretends to be a conservative warrior, but he comes from the same self-serving lickspittle that populates the swamp. Lee is a career swamp-dweller. DC changed him, or rather, polished the turd that dumped itself there, long before he ran for public office.
Republican officeholders are weak because most Republican voters (and voters in general) are gullible fools, too fond of rhetoric and symbolic gestures, too lazy to properly vet a candidate, and far too willing to re-elect proven turncoats and hypocrites.
The Huntsman family calls the shots for Lee!