Mike Rowe – Why He Doesn’t Use Fame for ‘Get Out The Vote’ – IOTW Report

Mike Rowe – Why He Doesn’t Use Fame for ‘Get Out The Vote’

BizPac Review

Mike Rowe, best known for hosting the Discovery Channel’s “Dirty Jobs,” explained why he’ll never follow the lead taken by other celebrities by urging his fans to vote.

The conservative Rowe, who also hosts CNN’s “Somebody’s Gotta Do It,” took a shot at Hollywood celebrities and their liberal politics in the process.

He took to Facebook to answer a fan’s request to “encourage your huge following to go out and vote this election.”

Rowe responded that simply because people have the right to vote in elections, he couldn’t implore them to do so, and likened it to urging his fans to purchase an AR-15 simply because the Second Amendment guaranteed them the right to do that.

“I would need to know a few things about them before offering that kind of encouragement,” he told the reader. “For instance, do they know how to care for a weapon? Can they afford the cost of the weapon? Do they have a history of violence? Are they mentally stable? In short, are they responsible citizens?”

And responsibility is what it all comes down to.

“Casting a ballot is not so different. It’s an important right that we all share, and one that impacts our society in dramatic fashion. But it’s one thing to respect and acknowledge our collective rights, and quite another thing to affirmatively encourage people I’ve never met to exercise them. And yet, my friends in Hollywood do that very thing, and they’re at it again,” he observed.

Read the rest here.

6 Comments on Mike Rowe – Why He Doesn’t Use Fame for ‘Get Out The Vote’

  1. Hollyweird does it precisely because they know that their “fans” are ignorant, nose-picking, snot-bubbling, fart-cupping morons.

    Anyone who would take electoral advice from some perverted, doped up, self-centered, know-nothing, filthy-rich-without-ever-having-worked-a-day-in-its-life Hollyweird maggot probably shouldn’t vote.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. As the Liberace character said in the movie, “Behind the Candelabra”:
    “Celebrities are not there to tell people how to vote, they are there to entertain people.”

  3. Anyone who takes advice from Hollywierd “celebrities” who are paid to hit a mark, emote a line, and stoopid remarks and lifestyles, deserves the life they get.

  4. To all the ignorant, nose-picking, snot-bubbling, fart-cupping morons:
    (I like that Tim, may I borrow it?)
    You actually actually take the advice of people who can’t wind a watch without a personal assistant, personal trainer, house-keepers, chauffeurs, accountants, consultants and psychiatrists, live messy lives traipsing through the revolving doors of divorce courts, bankruptcy courts, custody courts, criminal courts and rehab centers, have White neighbors and friends in exclusive neighborhoods (who are quite likely pedophiles), yet will gladly preach to the average, hard-working, Church-going, over-taxed payer how to live, what to eat, how to raise their kids, what kind of energy we need, what kind of electric clown-car to drive (while they ride in limousines) and………….who…to…vote…for?
    Seriously, are you shitting me?

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