Mike Sington is an Ahole – IOTW Report

Mike Sington is an Ahole

This old poofter uses a picture on X that is photoshopped to death. I thought he was a young punk. Turns out he’s an old punk with a 65 year-old turkey neck.

The dope says he’s never heard anyone discuss golden showers and seemigly has the vapors at the mere mention of them.

Meanwhile, it’s the left that accused Trump of participating in the completely made up act authored by Hillary Clinton and her team.

And I am sure old Mike has heard “golden showers” discussed in his “circle,” which doesn’t seem to include many women.

Also, Trump is hilarious.

Twitter pic —>

Video screen shot —>

22 Comments on Mike Sington is an Ahole

  1. I remember this guy well from my short stint on twitter. He’s like the asshole of all assholes. I believe he has a brother that does the same thing for a living. I was under the impression the DNC was paying for both their services.
    So this guy wants to portray himself as Eddie Hasckal when in reality he’s a walking corpse.And that’s not enough to discredit him with his followers? I never thought the guy was very talented. Most of what I remember him posting was based on easily discredited lies. The problem was his followers don’t want to hear the truth. It’s one big echo chamber. I hope that pic becomes real popular. What a loser.

  2. Yikes! His profile picture is the equivalent of catfishing. As for his “Well, I never!” regarding golden showers, he’s posted “release the pee-pee tapes” in the past, and there are screenshots to prove it. There’s are always screenshots.


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