Mike Trout Thinks MLB Plan For a Quarantined Season is “Pretty Crazy” – IOTW Report

Mike Trout Thinks MLB Plan For a Quarantined Season is “Pretty Crazy”

Mike trout is, arguably, the best player in the MLB.

The idea is to pick a state, and have the players tested. All players testing negative will be shuttled from field to hotel, and back and forth, with no outside interaction.


I wouldn’t enjoy watching. I want to see human beings playing, not housed robots.

13 Comments on Mike Trout Thinks MLB Plan For a Quarantined Season is “Pretty Crazy”

  1. If sports are out of the question due to the impositions of the politicians, just cue up what sports are a substitute for.


    You’ll forget all about that virus when your neighborhood is on fire. Hello Ferguson! Hello Watts!

  2. Sports are substitute for wah?

    I always thought sports were mind numbing entertainment and a mild distraction from more pressing issues.

    Anyway, MLB is pretty damn crafty. I bet they could make it work.

    Beats watching the 96 World Series for the Nth time.

  3. And what about next flu season? Are we going to shut everything down every year? What if the Coronavirus comes back, maybe brings one of it’s even deadlier cousins?
    I guess we’re just going to have to cancel all professional sports. Forever.

  4. You’re more optimistic about the Mariners than I am. But if the Cubbies and the Red Sox can win a World Series after a long drought of futility anything can happen. And who knows after last year when the Wash. Nationals won it all. Bring back baseball ASAP, I’m bored and it’s not Spring and Summer if there’s not a ball game on the radio. It’s time to get going with baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet once again.

  5. geoff the aardvark- “But if the Cubbies and the Red Sox can win a World Series after a long drought of futility anything can happen.”

    “Anything can happen.” Did you know, in the 1985 or ’86 season, that was the actual official slogan of the Mariners? Is was printed on all of their home programs. Talk about a slogan that shouts out to everybody, “Hey! We suck, we know it, but who the fuck knows? So come down to the Dome and watch us win a game or two!”

  6. I really really enjoy baseball, as do my young boys, as you guys/gals do, but remember, baseball is a BUSINESS first (sorry bout that one) and with business you need revenue, revenue comes from customers and advertisers. Their ‘customers’ walk into the stadium, the brick and mortar if you will. That for the love of the game. I get that. A baseball lover knows this.

    Citi Fields’ capacity is 42K. Do the math. Divide that in what maybe four or five, with people having to sit in staggered rows and aisles, SEATS apart. That comes to, WHATEVER, so how is that sustainable for the business owner, the concession stands, etc?? Getting fans to the ballparks with high prices for seats, food, parking, gas, traffic, time all things considered?? It looks bad enough NOW in some ballparks with the stands in the tv shot backrounds looking somewhat sparse!?

    Times the above scenario by 30 arenas, will advertisers, a large part of the revenue, buy time knowing the above??

    That One State Play idea, Trout is correct.

    And on unions? Why would the NBA/NHL and other professional sports organizations, both union and non union btw, let it happen, because the owners (BOSSES) suspended those seasons.


    Not sure as we all still have no idea, but I just don’t see the season, or the other ones as well, happening, I hope I am WRONG on this one.

    Football maybe. Just maybe.

    Oh, I just thought, the Japan Olympics were postponed to next year, so this may be an acid test on this subject of sport gathering and also DiCommio said just today about this subject, but he used Yankee stadium as the ‘model’?

    I know I know we are NOT Japan.

    And all the record books and almanacs will be one big foot note??

  7. Bman, I hated indoor baseball inside the Kingdome. My kids and I were there in 94 or so to watch the M’s play the Cleveland Indians two days before the Kingdome roof collapsed. It was Edgar Martinez bat night but we got there late because my brother in law decided to go down I 5 to the Kingdome and we got stuck behind an accident where I 5 merges with the 405 exit. My kids are still ticked at him because of that. Every time they see Uncle Bruce they remind him of that.

  8. The Pirates can hit pretty good but they can’t pitch. So now your gonna put a bus driver named Vishnu in charge of following Mapquest to get them back and forth?…..they’re further doomed…..

  9. Can we concentrate on opening up churches before fucking stadiums??? Jeez…

    Priorities people…Priorities!! BTW, both require a need for some type of assembly, with the worship of God, I think the bible says several are nice to have.

    The 20th Century was the century of sports so just imagine what we actually did before that?

  10. Irate Nate, I think that is the plan. While the people were circling the capital saying to reopen our state and let us go back to work our Governor was saying there’s light at the end of the tunnel, but we don’t want to open back up and then see a spike and have to do it all over again.

  11. Hey I’m not marketing/selling the game but check out OOTP21 (Out of the Park Baseball version 21 – cost $ 35.00 for the pc and the mac) – google it.

    Game is great, gives you sumptin to do and wiles always the hours. It helps me stay sane.

    Lots of good times but makes it almost as good it they were playing.

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