Milano is Italian for Hypocrite, No? – IOTW Report

Milano is Italian for Hypocrite, No?

Bill Clinton, I love you so much. Like crazy amounts of love.

20 Comments on Milano is Italian for Hypocrite, No?

  1. I believe this whole trial is scripted last minute by a Speilberg type, from Milano to Balls’y and including the Paid Hysterical Woman outside the elevator who screamed at Flakey as if she were Raped right there in the Chamber by all Men who are White.

  2. Well, I know one thing for sure. Bill has his calendar out and he is trying to figure out which next event he can bump into Milano. She is only 7 years older than Chelsea which just happens to be the same age difference between Chelsea & Monica.

  3. I find it refreshingly honest, in this day and age, that an old woman is finally mature enough, and the world is gender flipped enough, to shout from the rooftop “I love rape rape!”

    (tip o’ the hat to Whoopie Brooks)

  4. Maybe it’s an actor/actress thing. Too many of them after spending their lives reading a script written by others to make a living, never learned how-to think for themselves, or forgot how to think for themselves if they ever learned how-to. But there are many exceptions, R. Reagan / James Wood for two examples, so it’s not a contagious illness caught by all of them

  5. She’s to old now for Bill Clinton they need to be Ariana Grande’s age to get him to take notice. i worked in the state prison and he looked at her the way a child molester fixates on a victim

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  1. Juanita Broaddrick Confronts Alyssa Milano and Her Tongue Bath Tweet to Sexual Abuser Bill Clinton – IOTW Report

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