Military-bashing California teacher pulled from classroom, city council duties pending investigation – IOTW Report

Military-bashing California teacher pulled from classroom, city council duties pending investigation

CFP: The Southern California teacher facing a firestorm after he was recorded by a student bashing the military in a profane classroom rant has been placed on administrative leave and removed from all assignments he’d be given as a city councilman.

Gregory Salcido, the El Rancho High School teacher and elected Pico Rivera city councilman, will not be able to enter the classroom while school officials conduct an investigation into the recording, the Whittier Daily News reported late Monday.

“One thing we are telling people for sure is that the commitment of the board and the superintendent and the staff is to really get to the bottom of this for the community,” School Superintendent Karling Aguilera-Fort told the paper.

Another teacher has taken over his history and government classes for the foreseeable future, he said.  read more

20 Comments on Military-bashing California teacher pulled from classroom, city council duties pending investigation

  1. it’s time for parents to take a stand … if my kid was in that class & would demand either that POS goes or my kid is transferred, immediately, to another class without any punishment to my kid in the way of grades

    Stand Up People! Fight the Tyranny of the Marxists!

  2. Brad – I’m sure you’re right. There are days when I think it might be better to let the bastards have SoCal but then they’d just want the rest plus AZ, NM, NV, UT, TX…it’d never end. Plus I know some good people in Orange County and down near San Diego and they would be even more upset with that than they already are with what’s happening around them.

  3. Uncle Al.

    Here’s another one. Luis Gutierrez was so triggered by chants of USA he had to leave the event. Why is this guy here? He clearly represents Mexico and Mexican Nationalists. This guy is stepping down next year because he got caught with his little Mexican hand in the cookie jar. He should be prosecuted right next to a couple MS13 members. Same moral code.

  4. He’s whining and crying and clutching his pearls over the attacks on his wife and son…..

    ‘Bye, bitch. Welcome to the instant and global accountability of the Internet. You don’t get to reign over your petty little fiefdom of a classroom warping adolescent minds like the good ol’ days.

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