Military has dwindling supply of Hot Pockets – IOTW Report

Military has dwindling supply of Hot Pockets

No, it’s not a weapon they have a cute name for, it’s the food-based Hot Pockets. You know, the crispy dough with all the greasy slop inside? Yeah, that. Story here

25 Comments on Military has dwindling supply of Hot Pockets

  1. …no worries, guys, I’m at work right now, helping make pallet after pallet of MREs for you. Eat up, there’s plenty and to spare!

    ….you guys DO like MREs, right?


    …ummm, I’m gonna back slowly away now and not make any sudden moves, it kinda feels dangerous in here all of the sudden for…some reason…

  2. Hot pockets, like fast food are called “gut lumps” on my turf. Their purpose is to give you the energy to get to the store to get real good that might actually keep you alive

  3. jellybean
    OCTOBER 3, 2020 AT 1:21 PM
    “I just assumed they were in Mom and Dad’s basement so jr. can have something to eat since he isn’t working.”

    …check the Antifa food trucks too, ’cause they draw the same crowd…

  4. SNS

    FFC 1560, air frame parts usually have on average of 950 active quotes on a rolling 15 day period. For the last 4 months they’ve dropped to an average of 100. That’s across the board on hardware. You are looking at about .5% of that market.
    There have been a few times where one can predict what the state department or the military is up to. Are you saying you are seeing an increase in MREs? The military is still swimming in ammo, that to Obama’s attempt at starving the civilian market of ammo back during the last ammo shortage. If they are increasing purchases of MRE’s where would they plan on using them?
    Also, if there’s anybody out there considering a gun purchase for self defense, secure the ammo first and then select the gun. I wouldn’t suggest a 9 mil. That shits gone.

  5. I don’t think I’ve ever consumed a Hot Pocket. I did consume Hungry-Man TV dinners in my youth… until there was a frog in the “mashed potatoes”. Back then we didn’t call the press, we just said, “I think that’s a frog.”

    My brother said, “That’s a fucking frog.”

    I said, “I ain’t eating this shit no more, I mean, like, ever.”

    That was the end of that. Our parents were bewildered. “How come you guys don’t pick out the TV dinners any more?”

    We said, “Nah. Mmm.”


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