Military Policy on Transgenders – IOTW Report

Military Policy on Transgenders

transgender_service_members_international_conference_insert_c_Washington_Blade_by_Michael_KeyMark Steyn disclosed in a recent column that Selective Services won’t let a person avoid the draft because he has changed gender to female. But women transitioned into men don’t have to register.


Once in the service a transgender can only be discharged by the order of the assistant secretary of the Army for personnel, a civilian position.

Mark Steyn


Pentagon Policy on discharge of Transgender

29 Comments on Military Policy on Transgenders

  1. *sigh*

    “Gender” is a linguistic term (masculine, feminine, neuter).

    Humans are of one sex or the other, except in very rare cases.

    That people would, with any degree of seriousness, discuss this foolishness exemplifies how low our culture has sunk.

  2. Selective service fulfills a useful social purpose. While I would prefer an all volunteer fighting force, which would of course be the most efficient, that means the only ones killed in a conflict would be the conservative men and women who love their country and aren’t afraid of guns and violence.

    Through selective service, we can fill the ranks of the military with cannon fodder–progressive douchebags and pajama boys who will wet themselves when handed a rifle and who will die quickly, changing the electorate balance in our favor.

  3. Selective Service presupposes the country entering into a conflict in which the citizenry rejects the premises for that conflict.

    If the citizens volunteer, the conflict is supported; if not, then not.

    We have no business engaging in wars the citizens don’t support.


  4. Rob,
    The ones who support it can volunteer. If the citizens would “never go to war even if it means surrendering the nation” then there is NO nation!

    If it isn’t worth fighting for, it isn’t worth having.

    Ask the Swedes, the Germans, the French, the Spanish, the Netherlanders, the Danes, … , &c.


    Your argument is PERFECT to “appeal to the Left”!

    After all, <BYit's only FAAAAIR to draft people in an indiscriminate way (e.g. based on birthday, as in the Vietnam War), and not on race, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability (what a great way to DRAW DOWN THE CRIPPLE SUBSIDIES…aka SSI) and such.

  6. Joe6. The geek on the left has no chest,a long neck,huge ears, and a funny fooken head. Is he in charge of Army personnel?
    The four lesbos are just weird. Bet the Sgt. on the right can’t do a pull-up.
    What a revolting photo!

  7. I went through basic training in late 1973. The homos were quickly identified and pulled out of training and put in a special barracks to stay until they were “out-processed”, meaning kicked out of the military. The barracks was known as the “Gay Bay”. My buddy had to pull guard duty in the Gay Bay one night and he witnessed homos getting frisky with one another on their beds. He then spent the rest of his duty on the front stoop of the barracks.

  8. The Alphabet perverted, mentally ill members of the new US military are too preoccupied with their deviance to care about defending the nation.
    If captured by the enemy, they are most likely to give up US military strategies/locations, go AWOL, and become traitors.

  9. We are now asking our sons, brothers, husbands and fathers to go to war and risk both their lives and the freedom of the country based on blithering stupid and totally insane social experiments using mentally bereft freaks!

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