Milk Dud Head – Montel Williams – Tries to Backpedal His Call for the Shooting of Oregon Protesters – IOTW Report

Milk Dud Head – Montel Williams – Tries to Backpedal His Call for the Shooting of Oregon Protesters

Montel Williams tweeted this out 2 days ago-

Screen Shot 2016-01-05 at 4.09.55 AM

Now the moron is trying to backpedal:

Since I am trending apparently, let’s clear somethings up about‪#‎OregonUnderAttack‬

1) Some of you are incapable ofgrasping that OUTRAGEOUS HYPERBOLE is often used to make a point and is not to be taken literally – I forgot that, and that is my fault.

2) At no point did I actually mean we ought to create another Waco or Ruby Ridge up at camp ‪#‎YallQueda‬ in Oregon. The police strategy is correct, and they should be commended for having to put up with these people.

3) The Hammonds’ cause is just. They did their time – whether that was just isn’t for me to say. But what seems OBVIOUS (Chris Hayes said so on MSNBC tonight as well) is that sending the Hammonds back to jail seems a) cruel b) pointless c) self defeating d) a very slippery slope.

4) This is a HORRIBLE look for conservatives. Makes cons look crazy supporting these clowns – why not focus on what EVEN MSNBC AGREES WITH – Hammonds got a bad shake.

5) It is valid to say that if BLM did the exact same thing, many of the same people castigating me now would be demanding LE go in guns blazing, and it’s valid to say if a Muslim American took over a chicken coop a global terror alert would have gone out.

6) Moral of the story? The injustice the Hammonds face now is EXACTLY the reason we need Criminal Justice Reform and exactly the reason everyone from the Koch Brothers to Mike Lee to Al Sharpton agrees.


There is nothing hyperbolic about Montel’s tweet. It’s simple. He called for the government to take out the protesters with deadly force. Hyperbole would be if he asked the government to come in and shoot the protesters, burn them, piss on them and then do it all over again.

What’s the less hyperbolic way of saying the government should shoot Ammon Bundy? Shoot him with a Nerf gun?

Williams is lying. He meant what he said.

How can William’s simultaneously say that he understands the Hammond case, is sympathetic, thinks the government is unjustly and cruelly punishing the family, yet say the protesters are uneducated rednecks that should be shot? This makes little sense.

How does protesting government overreach and fascism make conservatives look crazy? Protesting the protesters makes progressives look like they are inviting government totalitarianism.

Williams’ stance is particularly odd in light of this tweet –


It seems Williams is okay with the concept of armed protest when it’s a cause he personally agrees with.

Williams also pulled the race card.

If he’s going to, inexplicably, open that door, many will walk through:


Lastly, I wonder what Williams’ stance would be on Eric Holder occupying an ROTC office at Columbia University. They were armed.

Should the government have stormed in, shooting to kill?




24 Comments on Milk Dud Head – Montel Williams – Tries to Backpedal His Call for the Shooting of Oregon Protesters

  1. I know, Fur, that you have little patience with those of us who say things in response to these celebrity firestorms like, “Montel who?” but honestly the last time I saw williams on the tee vee was in an obscure commercial for some kind of geriatric product — reverse mortgage, Lifeline, I don’t even remember. I actually thought he died and was surprised to see him on the tee vee. And even when I think back to his show, at the height of his popularity, all I can remember is that psychic woman, Sylvia?, who I think really has passed on. And, oh yeah, didn’t he whip up enormous sympathy at one point, too, for his failing health?

    Okay, I know, I know. I fully understand your rationale for not dismissing these pop culture icons. But montel williams is not a cultural icon, he’s ranks up there (or down there) somewhere with people like Bobby Sherman and Sally Jessy Rafael.

    Here’s what I wish. I wish that instead of fighting these total loser idiots on their home turf — which is what enables them to back-track, btw — that we take the fight to its proper historical standard. For instance, instead of giving light and air to the montel williams of the world, we take the the Twitter platform he built for us to then discuss how the Oregon militia is an incredible example of patriotic courage in the face of overwhelming odds. its about people who still believe in the greatest system of self-government the world has ever seen. its the same spirit that sparked freedom on this continent.

    It is then that the public discussion is elevated out of the muck of Ferguson (another BS “movement” that needs no further airtime) into the dignified arena of what it means to be an American (versus all those other things illegal immigrants and multi-cultis are trying to remake the U.S. into). I’d rather hear and see *that* than “Montel Williams (whoever the hell he is) says, tweeted, …….” because, honestly, montel williams does not freakin’ matter. He’s a has-been tee vee personality who now sells some kind of geriatric product and I would give him no more credit for his opinion than a dumb, obscure bank teller-trainee who steps up to the mic in a Jesse Waters segment.

    Look, it’s 2:15 a. and I shouldn’t even be commenting. But my cats had to go out earlier than usual. But I hope someone here gets my point.

  2. And, yes, I know that the main point of the williams firestorm is based on the irony and the hypocrisy of his racism and part of the whole drama is to point out his obvious ignorance of his own racism. That part of the thing is the only thing that makes it at all worthwhile. The rest is the ravings of an idiot who should have no more attention than a guy who makes an obscene gesture on the jumbotron camera at a televised sporting event.

  3. Anyone that gets your point probably doesn’t watch Fox news either.
    Montel Williams is a regular contributor to Fox news, he’s on all the time.
    So, hands off?
    I don’t get it.
    Never will.

    Give him a free pass and you’ll wake up one day to the Montel Williams show on Fox and you’ll say “how’d that happen?”

  4. When is he on Fox News? I’ve never seen him as a contributor to anything and I’ve only not been watching FNC for about a year. But the question is, why do we suddenly give montel williams, a guy whose only relevance is he has tee vee credentials and is black (and took psychics completely seriously) the same attention we would give someone like Thomas Sowell, a guy who actually thinks for a living?

    And I’m not saying “hands off.” I’m saying steal his baseless thunder and his audience to talk about what really matters in Oregon.

  5. FNC already has The Montel Williams Show, but it’s called the George Will/Juan Williams/Bill Kristol/Bill O’Reilly/Bret Beier/Britt Hume Show. Fox is not sympathetic to constitutional conservatives and the only people at Fox who know American history (or can talk about it coherently) are the guys over at Fox Business.

  6. Thanks for the links, Fur. I’ll look at them in the morning.

    What I’m getting from this is that Fox is making another big mistake by recycling williams as their version of keith olbermann. You’d think there were at least a couple new, intelligent and charismatic people coming up in the ‘news’ business. Do they even watch ANY of their affiliates for a farm pick? Cripes! Fox News: Because Diversity. Nothing says Fair and Balanced like a black alan colmes.

    Well, thank goodness for us that there is an internet.

  7. I remember Montrel hawking commemorative coins when obama first got elected. They were quarters with stickers on them.
    Yea, who wouldn’t buy what he is selling?

  8. I do hope that this Twitter episode in which montel williams trumpeted his complete ass-holery gives FNC pause about any plans that were in the works to make williams a full-time head. But I think Fox will have more to worry about than that in the coming years. What goes up must come down, and they will look back on years past as their salad days.

  9. Before making this dumb statement, Montel was trying to worm his way back into the mainstream by covering the lack of medical services for returning vets. He can cry on command. That’s just a guess as to what caused Ailes to bring him on.

  10. “Enemies foreign and domestic” That Montel is part of your oath and the enemies part of that seems to be our own government and the assholes that infest it’s halls.

    These people are taking a stand against the leviathan that none of the military are able to muster the strength to do…more powers to them and shame on you for not recognizing the horror that is our government.

    Read that pesky thingy written by Madison, the Constitution. It really means what it says 225 years ago. Read it using their definitions not today’s twisted language where up means down and affordable means super high expensive. Go ahead, read it, I dare you.

  11. I don’t watch Fox News anymore, but I thought I remembered Montel Williams as a former talk show host, so I Googled him to see what he was doing nowadays. When I saw his picture, I thought, “What happened to all his HAIR?”

    Turns out I was actually thinking of Arsenio Hall!

    Oh, well…


  12. I saw Montel Williams at a mall once. There was this curtained area set up like The Temple the Israelites used to carry through the wilderness where us mallrats could walk by unimpeded. Montel was getting ready to come out and speak. I was with two friends and as we walked by and figured out who was coming out, my friend quickly opened the curtain and all three of us peeked inside and Montel was standing there, psyching himself up to come out while getting make-up on by a crew member. A lady with a clipboard came right over scolding us and shooed us away. In light of Montel’s recent comment, just think how easy it would have been for a black gang member to cap his ass back then.

  13. Not after this he’s not. Fox holds on to the lions share of the cable news ratings almost by virtue of the fact there is not another station for a conservative to watch. I suspect it’s a rather delicate tipping point though and adding Montel the Mortgage Man to the line up will cost them quite a number of viewers. Fox does not want to have an Ed Schultz on their hands.

  14. I can’t knock Monty too much, cuz it’s gonna take a massive amount of deadly force to retake our country and Monty will be on the receiving end … see how he likes it then …

    Easy to talk shit when others are doing the killing and dying .. I know, cuz I ain’t never killed or died!

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