Millie Weaver Exonerated-All Charges Dropped & Case Dismissed – IOTW Report

Millie Weaver Exonerated-All Charges Dropped & Case Dismissed

13 Comments on Millie Weaver Exonerated-All Charges Dropped & Case Dismissed

  1. this is what pencil-necked d’rat ‘prosecutors’ do … without any evidence, they indict, threaten & hope the target will take a ‘guilty w/ probation’ to avoid further harassments & get on w/ their lives

    Bravo Millie, Bravo!

  2. Why does this sort of thing only happen to people on the right and never to people on the left?

    BTW. what happened to that documentary she produced to release on YouTube (that was probably the real reason behind her arrest) and can it be seen somewhere?

  3. The leftists infesting the legal system know they won’t get convictions in most cases, they;re doing it strictly for harassment purposes. They want to beat people down.

  4. This will continue until there is appropriate … uhh … response to abuse of office.

    The power of the peasantry is awesome.

    During the unpleasantness between King John (of England) and his magnates, the knights of one group would ride into the villages of the other and rape, torment, and mutilate (a favored method was to hack the feet off the farmers making them an economic drain on their suzerain) those villagers. Then the knights of the other group would do the same to the villages of the former. Knights rarely fought each other – very dangerous – easier to maim and kill the unarmed peasants.

    Until the peasants got fed up. Then they (the peasants) took to dragging off and killing any knight who rode into their village whether a member of their suzerain’s retinue or otherwise (that whole Robin Hood bullshit).
    The result was Runnymede and the Magna Carta. The King and his magnates were reminded that they were considerably outnumbered by peasants, many of whom were pissed and roused.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Oh!
    What was the cost to her?

    Total cost – money, emotional strain and drain, friends, relatives, credit … ?
    Sleepless nights, anxiety, long-term psychology?

    How is that repaid?

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @Peter the Bubblehead:

    One of the most famous lines from the original Law & Order series was along the lines of “A halfway competent prosecutor could indict a ham sandwich.”

    Ain’t that the truth, especially since there’s a whole lot of that going on these days.

    BTW, the original “ham sandwich” remark was made by Sol Wachtler, who was Chief Judge of the New York Court of Appeals in the late 80s and early 90s. The NY Daily News paraphrased his remark as

    district attorneys now have so much influence on grand juries that ‘by and large’ they could get them to ‘indict a ham sandwich.’

    That ham sandwich was brought to popular attention and subsequent fame by Tom Wolfe’s paraphrase of the paraphrase in The Bonfire of the Vanities.


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