Milo Press Conference 3PM ET – IOTW Report

Milo Press Conference 3PM ET

27 Comments on Milo Press Conference 3PM ET

  1. Another pussy apologist.
    NEVER APOLOGIZE to these Leftist attacks, you moron!
    As bad, he’s playing the “I’m a victim” card.

    He’s throwing away every advantage he ever had.

  2. Good may come from this, at least he now admits he was a victim. Prior to this he was clearly in denial

    He is still in denial that his comments were offensive. He needs to come clean that pedophiallia may mean pre-pubescent, but all minors are off limits. The age of content is not “about” right, it’s absolutely right.

    He still holds onto the notion that older gay men help younger gay men….it’s called grooming 🙁

  3. Pedophile or pederasty does not matter. Milo, like ALL sodomites, has serious mental problems.

    I never liked Milo because his vulgar, filthy language and his flamboyant promotion of the one of the gravest evils there is, sodomy.

    I am relieved he resigned from Breitbart and hope to be hearing less from him in the future.

  4. Sarah Silverman, George Taki, Roman Polansi, LD, Podesta etc are allowed to do it. Milo is not, bcuse his sin is being right of center.

    They are so dysfunctional as a group and lacking in brain power they don’t even see the opportunity to try to woo him (and his fans) over to their side…which they agree with on this issue. Even in ther immoral morality they have no room for someone on the political right. Their hypocracy is beyond the pale.

  5. It bothers me that some people are so intolerant of him being gay. Seriously people, who cares. I’ve never listened or read anything Milo related. This was a targeted witch hunt and an opportunity to start the process of undermining and ultimately harming Breitbart, Bannon and Trump. I listened to the press questions and that is obviously what this was. They are more interested in Bannon and insulting Trump than they are offended about anything he said. They also were interested in giving credit to the Berkley paid protestors and are gleeful they believe they were able to take Milo down. I suspect this is going to be a defining moment and he is going to come back bigger and stronger. They just gave this guy a 48 Hour news cycle. It was like Hillary naming Breitbart – it only made people curious to see what it was about. I wish him the best. And I think he apologized because he truly feels sick that he might have offended survivors of abuse. And perhaps he won’t be doing 2 am booze filled 4 hour U-Tube interviews where his off-the-cuff style and being bodacious can result in this mess.

  6. Yeah I’m tired of the gay comments too. I don’t like the man-boy stuff but it’s no different then men who are attracted to and try to lure young girls. I know, it’s a sin but so is sex out of wedlock among many other things that many of us are guilty of. The identity politics is what most of us hate. I’ve thought about this since yesterday and my stance has softened.

  7. Anonymous, *I* care that homos adversely affect our culture with their degenerate behavior.

    THAT SAID…this attack on Milo is NOT about his homosexuality; it is the Left attacking Trump and his credibility with “papercuts”.

    “The issue is NEVER the issue; the issue is POWER.”
    Alinsky, anyone?!?

  8. @Czar,

    I would mostly agree with your point about never apologizing.

    However, there was a point in the press conference where he pointed out that this material had been out there for over a year. That the people who released the edited material don’t give a damn about children. He also told the media that had been lying about him to f off, but he used the whole word.

  9. I can look beyond the homosexual and see a person who is trying to educate his generation. Milo will find more venues to do it. I’m confident he wont be walking away, he will only find ways to punch back harder.

    I wondered yesterday which milo would show. Conservative or flamboyant? The more conservative and restrained one appeared.

  10. The left is at war with us. Milo is an outspoken thorn in the left’s collective ass and he gives them shit-hemorrhages. He’s important for that reason alone. I support Milo – even though he is a faggot – because he’s at war with the LEFT.

  11. @ Czar, I don’t agree on this one.

    Any attack is about his normalizing predatory behavior. But I don’t think word “attack” fairly applies to the right.

    It’s my understanding this tape is not very old (maybe a week if that old) so the argument it’s a plot and was being held to do most damage doesn’t hold water. Milo rode the Trump train, but Trump stayed pretty clear of Milo. The Berkly event was about free speech and rioting, not Milo specifically.

  12. OK, the funniest thing about this is the left condemning Milo for being a horrid degenerate.

    That is hilarious – for a group largely comprised of horrid degenerates, to be condemning one of their own for being a horrid degenerate.

    The other thing is that Milo was describing the depths of depravity of the homosexual population: according to him (and he would know, wouldn’t he), they generally aspire to have sex with young adolescents. It’s their thing.

    People should also note that Milo says he was molested as a young adolescent. I wonder if he was interested in girls before this happened?

    Anyway, the bottom line is that homosexuals are mentally ill, and belong in asylums where they can’t molest adolescents and make new homosexuals.

  13. Aggie, we’ll have to disagree. You *want* to believe the Left’s (including RedState, Resurgent, et al) righteous indignation…AS IF they were truly offended by that statement.

    THEY AREN’T. They only want to take down people who persuade people to the “Trump side” (see mkultra’s remark above yours), one by one, until Trump’s leverage is damaged so much they can go for the jugular and try to take down Trump politically.

  14. Czar, you misunderstand my point. I already pointed out the hypocracy of the left, and NT is included with them.

    But unfortunately he gave them the rope himself. I like the guy, and I have been put off by some of his over the top antics, but am a fan. He messed up and playing the victim is unbecoming and dishonest. I think trying to defend this as a smear is avoiding the truth. He owns this mess.

  15. I am under no illusions as to why the left is attacking Milo. We all know they couldn’t care less about children. That being said, this guy is not my kind of guy. He’s the opposite of what a man should be. Men aren’t attracted to other men. Men don’t joke about molesting children. This is a petulant, little, European brat. He’s the anti-John Wayne.

  16. It is never okay for grown adults to engage in sexual activity with minors. Milo’s jokes were distasteful and wrong headed. I also think it is distasteful and wrong headed when people excuse fully grown women messing with underage boys. It happens whenever a pervert female teacher is in the news, “Oh, I wish they had teachers like that when I was in school”. I hope that all the people condemning Milo will have just as much contempt for the person who condones women having sex with underage boys and make jokes about it.

  17. Sodomy is particularly abhorrent to God because it is idol worship and goes directly against God’s edict to be fruitful and multiply – within the boundries of marriage between a man and woman. Homosexuality is not about promoting life – it results in death of communities, loss of societal boundries, morality and leaving the innocent defenseless. Sodom and Gomorrah proves it.
    Yes, the Holy Bible which is the Word of God is my belief system. Even if others don’t believe the True and Living God, anatomical, physiological and biological factors should be enough common sense evidence to realize homosexuality results in deteriation and destruction of mankind.
    Milo is caught up in a lifestyle that overshadows any politically right principles he may have and defending those principles becomes conflicted. He’s in his own way.

  18. This tape of his was selectively edited and this is a political assassination just like the Trump tape was.

    You don’t have to agree with Milo’s lifestyle, I don’t either, but he is a conservative and has an audience so in that regard he has some value.

    The circular firing squad shit has to stop. The left do not condemn their own, look at what Wiener has ACTUALLY done. Where is the outrage for that from the left?

    Don’t you realize that this has been, is, and will be a war? Every foot soldier is needed, even a foul mouthed Brit faggot like Milo. Do you realize how many people he has woken up?

    Think, people.

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