Milwaukee Recount Netting Biden 132 More Votes Isn’t The Full Story – IOTW Report

Milwaukee Recount Netting Biden 132 More Votes Isn’t The Full Story

The media yesterdays was touting that the recount conducted in Milwaukee ended up helping Biden extend his lead by an additional 132 votes from that county, insinuating that the effort to expose the fraud and win the state of Wisconsin back for the president is futile. Here

What they’re not admitting is that names have been taken from an estimated 100,000 questionable ballots to be investigated and collected to form the legal appeal to have those votes voided. Listen to Boris Epshteyn, member of the Trump advisory committee, explain what the campaign lawyers will do next to put Wisconsin in the president’s win column, at the 1:04:44 mark. WATCH

4 Comments on Milwaukee Recount Netting Biden 132 More Votes Isn’t The Full Story

  1. To democrats, the democrat party is the entire universe. They can’t see beyond stealing the election. They see themselves as completely getting away with it and living happily ever after wielding absolute power. They have no clue as to what will happen if they succeed.

  2. If you give this link a full airing, you’ll see that it looks like the President plays 5D chess and figured out in 2017 that this crapola would probably take place. He’s on top of the situation and only has to hope the clock doesn’t run out.
    The McInerney part starts at around 31 minutes and he clarifies who and what the Kraken are–they’re a military intelligence battalion.

  3. So, in Wisconsin the ballots carry the names of the person casting them with them?

    So how do we find out who voted for who so we can pay them a visit or cut them out of our will if we don’t like it?

  4. The ‘clock running out’ should have nothing to do with anything.
    If I rob your house do you only have until daybreak to catch me?

    The dysfunctional JustUs system can’t imprison Lady Liberty unless we allow it.


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