Minneapolis Mayor Doesn’t Agree To Shut Down the Police Department, Gets Run Out of Town – IOTW Report

Minneapolis Mayor Doesn’t Agree To Shut Down the Police Department, Gets Run Out of Town

25 Comments on Minneapolis Mayor Doesn’t Agree To Shut Down the Police Department, Gets Run Out of Town

  1. The Dipshit in tennis shoes. Whut… Iz Patty Murray his mommy?
    Well if yer gonna get run outta town, at least he wuz wearing the right attire!

    Oh wait… he’s the MAYOR???

  2. If someone is walking around seemingly agitated and wearing a mask that says “I Can’t Breathe”, shouldn’t you chase them down and tear off the mask?

  3. Elementary problem solving. Hmm, the pol ees aren’t us when we break whiteys law. Solution, no mo pol ees.
    For every dollar we cut on LE let’s cut the same from entitlement programs. Let’s see how that flies.

  4. Oh, that was a joy to watch! The madness of the mob turning on their useless puppet. Sanity may return after the Summer of BLM proves the left has over played their hand.

  5. I love it. When elected, Soy Boy probably thought he’d have a cushy job where he’d just collect a paycheck and not have to deal with stress. Then the looting/destruction punched him in the face and now the groveling begins. Pussy.

    Side note – why dont’ cities incorporate trucks with water cannons? It would deter most of the damn rioters/looters as well as destroy cell phones in the process.

  6. Hope nobody suggests mixing some poison ivy oil with an aerosol disbursement system and loading up some drones for these people.

    That would be awful.

    So would napalm.

  7. Lowell June 7, 2020 at 1:10 pm

    If someone is walking around seemingly agitated and wearing a mask that says “I Can’t Breathe”, shouldn’t you chase them down and tear off the mask?

    I’d tear it off so he could breathe and not make himself sick with that bacteria laden mask on. That’s like wearing used underwear on your face over and over again. Nasty! Face masks are my pet peeve. Went to Costco where a face mask is required. I had one but never wore it and won’t ever. Person at the door said “you must wear a face mask before entering.” I took it out of my purse and stuck it on top of my head and walked in. Can’t tell me where to wear it. 🙂


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