Minnesota City Reinstates Pledge of Allegiance After Backlash – IOTW Report

Minnesota City Reinstates Pledge of Allegiance After Backlash

Epoch Times:

Minnesota city reinstated the Pledge of Allegiance before meetings following a nationwide backlash, including criticism from President Donald Trump.

After the St. Louis Park city council voted in June to stop reciting the pledge, Trump weighed in, predicting the decision highlighted why he would win Minnesota in the 2020 election.

On July 15, the city council voted unanimously to reinstate the pledge. The vote to stop reciting the pledge had also been unanimous.

The move to restore the pledge wasn’t on the council schedule but council member Thom Miller made a motion to bring it to a vote.

“There are many from outside of St. Louis Park who are abusing and harassing our city staff, making it very difficult for them to serve the residents and businesses in our city, which is the very reason our local government exists,” he told the crowd of more than 100 people, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported.

The crowd was primarily people protesting the original vote, which other council members apologized for.

“I’ve concluded that I made a mistake and I’m sorry and I’m asking for forgiveness,” council member Steve Hallifan said, as reported by Fox9.

Repeated phone calls and emails negatively affected the council, another member added.

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h/ PDGearhead

10 Comments on Minnesota City Reinstates Pledge of Allegiance After Backlash

  1. Hey Steve, FUCK YOU! The fact you did it the first place says everything We need to know. So if you didn’t get the first one here’s another, FUCK YOU!

  2. “The move to restore the pledge wasn’t on the council schedule but council member Thom Miller made a motion to bring it to a vote.” How can they vote on an item that was never on the agenda? If they can do this for a good reason, they can do it for a bad reason. I wonder what their open meeting (sunshine) laws state?

  3. Your apology is NOT accepted. Your mistake/failure to understand the importance of the Pledge of Allegiance ranks up there with Obama’s mistake of 57 states.



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