The FBI is apparently on board with the vote steal.
ByShane Trejo

A Minnesota Republican legislator who was influential in getting information to Project Veritas about Democrat ballot harvesting in Minneapolis has said that he did not go to the FBI with the allegations because he did not feel they would be properly investigated.
“I was not convinced that they were going to do an investigation and go in there,” Minnesota state representative Steve Drazkowski said of the FBI in an interview with right-wing pundit Michelle Malkin on Monday.
Because he could not trust the deep state, Drazkowski went to journalist James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas outlet instead. Veritas has exposed liberals engaging in corruption for years, and the Democrats have tried unsuccessfully to discredit him as a result of his sting operations.
“When we got to that primary beginning, one of the first things I saw…was a candidate for office that was sharing their frustration with the Somali community about the corruption they were seeing and wanted it to be cleaned up, and they wanted this to be America and not something that was corrupt,” Drazkowski explained. read. more
We are a banana republic. Corrupt law enforcement, corrupt voting, corrupt politicians, and nobody is able to do anything about it. Yup, banana republic.
White Militia groups are the big threat. Probably to them.
next term, Trump needs to totally dismantle the FBI & rebuild it from the ground up.
Obama promised fundamental change. He (and Biden and the others) destroyed the credibility of the FBI and probably our intelligence agencies.
Well yeah no shit!
fbi – Flawed Beyond Imagination
19 years ago Bush told Mueller to purge any honest, capable agents. They were gone by ’05!
the execs have replaced them with crooks!
Liberals of course love the FBI, now. Not so 50 years ago.
According to the FBI, only white supremacist groups that can’t be named engage in political violence or election fraud in the US.
Members of the FIB can always be trusted, sometimes. Ask the big PoS Comey!
Wray is scum. How Barr hasn’t fired that low life…
That’s how free press is supposed to work. Press needs to be a check on gov’t, not in bed with it.
The FBI’s been corrupt since … what … 1908?
Good press. In fact, masterful manipulation of the press. But corrupt, nonetheless.
Everybody’s forgotten that bulldog-faced faggot who spied on Presidents?
Their evil has outweighed whatever good they’ve ever done.
izlamo delenda est …