Well, of course my speculation was correct. I’m not a genius. Not by a long shot. It’s just the “diversity” crowd is so, so, sooooo stupid.
Mass stabbing at Minnesota mall: Rampaging knifeman dressed as a security guard attacks eight shoppers while talking about Allah before being killed by off-duty cop
KSTP – Mall in St. Cloud will remain closed through Sunday as police investigate a stabbing that left eight people injured and the suspect dead.
“At approximately 8 p.m., an armed suspect entered the Crossroads Mall. That individual made some references to Allah and we confirmed that he asked at least one person if they were Muslim before assaulting them,” said St. Cloud Police Chief Blair Anderson.
According to authorities, the suspect was later shot by an off-duty police officer. Investigators say the suspect was carrying at least one knife.
Of the eight victims, one was admitted to the hospital. Investigators say the injuries were not life threatening.
Police believe the suspect acted alone.
“Right now we don’t have any information that would indicate that anyone else is involved,” said Anderson.
Authorities say the suspect was wearing a private security uniform at the time of the attack. They say they had contact with the suspect in the past, but all of those cases were for minor traffic violations.
The mall will remain closed through Sunday as investigators continue multiple crime scenes within the building.
“Right now, the entire mall is an active crime scene,” said Anderson.
Harley and Tama Exsted of Isle, Minnesota, who were in St. Cloud to watch their son play in a college golf tournament, were in the mall when the incident occurred.
“All of a sudden I heard pop pop pop,” Harley Exsted told the St. Cloud Times. “I thought someone tipped over a shelf. All of a sudden these people started running. I just saw everybody running our way.”
The Associated Press contributed to this story
Get to the part where the guy yelled Allahu Ackbar.
No? Who then? Hmm.
Gee! I wonder if all the stuff today could possibly be moslem terrorism. At this point, the communist mayor of NYC is still saying that “there is no evidence this is terror related …… yet”. I guess I should believe the same politicians that have constantly lied about EVERYTHING the last couple of decades when they tell me this garbage.
Just more reason to vote for Trump (as if there weren’t enough already).
At what point will Obama call for “commonsense” knife laws to prevent such violence, I wonder. …..Lady in Red
Buuuut…knives have nothing to do with islam!
The Cloward-Piven strategy to destroy the United States from within just wasn’t working fast enough so Jeremiah Wright´s God-Damn-America-hating, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, healthcare-destroying, process-circumventing, Benghazi bullshitting, Constitution-stomping, phoney-baloney plastic-banana republic Communist Organizing, scrawny, little Asshole had to step up the lawlessness, pandemonium and chaos by importing it!
Welcome to “Fundamental Transformation” kids! I can see Venezuela from my house!
TO illustr8r
No, silly…it’s MINNESOTA!
Probably Norwegians.
Most likely a deplorable basket case.
“According to authorities, the suspect was later shot by an off-duty police officer. Investigators say the suspect was carrying at least one knife.”
He’s got a knife and he is stabbing multiple people and they consider him a suspect….
What would have been the outcome had a person there with a license to carry concealed not been there to stop this. Yes, it was an off duty officer, shows why good people need to be armed.
Muslim savage was asking victims if they were muslims before he stabbed them. As per witnesses, info being suppressed by scum in media.
Remember what Shakespeare said about lawyers? Lets add the press to that.
Good thing obeyme has ISIS on the run. Unfortunately they’re running straight into the heartland of the USA.
If it wasn’t a Norwegian it must’ve been a Scandahoovian. “Yah sure, you betcha.”
Now that it’s been determined *who* did it and what his motivations clearly were, please note the MSM dropping this event into the dustbin like a hot potato. Same will go with the pressure cooker bomb in Manhattan….
And on the Eid al Atha holiday. No, nothing Islamic here.
Feeling very safe today, as I am so broke these days I don’t dare set foot in a mall.
“I’m not a genius. Not by a long shot.”- BFH
Empirical evidence, wish others used it instead of their “feelings”.
The media criminals,the ones in front of the cameras and the suits pulling the strings, must be made to pay for their collaboration and treason. They should be pursued along with the other terrorists.
“…And this is why we can’t have knife things.”
Sure, the perp was a muslim, and the murders happened on Eid al Atha holiday, and he asked the potential victims if they were muslims before stabbing the infidels, and shouted alahu akbar before doing so, BUT IF WE COULD ONLY DETERMINE HIS MOTIVATION!!!!
I actually live in St Cloud. This place was once referred to as “white cloud” by deplorable liberals. It’s far from that now. Best guess is that 25,000 Somalis now call it home and are reproducing like rabbits.
To his credit, our (black) police chief DID say that the perpetrator was shouting Allahu Ackbar and that he asked at least one person if they were Muslim.
The next season’s Fargo TV series plot will be taking place in St. Cloud, it was revealed recently. Looks like it’s almost writing itself.
BTW, even though we’re 150 miles from Fargo (which is in N.D.),
a craft brewery there has a beer called ‘wood chipper’.