My hair looks like that after a weeklong bender. Glad I dont do it anymore.
Huh. Big black blobs of mostly air. It’s as though her brains somehow oozed out through holes in her skull.
It’s the DEI style
Honorary transgender ghetto coiffure of the year.
You know, I’ve seen braids so thin (scalp) that it looks like stitches. It looks very tight and painful.
And for the sistas who complain that the edge of their hair is thinning and doesn’t grow back, that’s why. You are irritating your follicles for no reason. Your skin is fighting back.
@MJA, Ive always been curious about that when I see someone with really tight little braids. Makes my scalp itch looking at them.
I haven’t been to the zoo since I was a kid, but it just came back to me.
Big Mike’s Stegosaurus styled hair must be “the lerk” for Sasquatch this Spring.
Man buns.
That duct tape must be a little too tight
MJA — So that’s what does it. I’ve been wondering why Whoopi has been shaving the sides of her head. Her “hair style” looks awful. It’s very sad who she has become. I used to think she was really funny in her film roles. I wouldn’t think of her as a comedian now, at all.
^^^ Oops, “the lewk”. That’s what I get for trying to use queer slang. Fits Big Mike’s though.
I don’t even know what I’m looking at ………………..
Yeah, like I get up on that …………
Are men still doin “Man Buns” like that?
Reminds me of school on Saturday. No class!
If she was going for the afro-puffs look she missed by a mile.
Oh Dear God… please tell me one of those knobs is an OFF switch!
^^^ 🤣😂
My cousin does stuff like that with her horses.
Do these people look in the mirror before they go out? Just sayin….
Looks like she lost her bet on who would win the election in November.
Good one Different Tim!!
Talk about getting back to her roots, look at her damn earlobe!
Hmm? It looks like an attempt at getting ghetto cred.
^^^ Need to see her fingernails for confirmation.
Elites have absolutely no self awareness as to the real world.
What’s with the ear lobe…”she/it” been doin’ truck pulls with that thing?
Imagine what it looks like when not balled up like that. Sorta like medusa:×1024&w=gi&k=20&c=vRy9mnbwO5Aez1Uart2GN5dZz0twzGjbDViSgzJ34RA=
My hair looks like that after a weeklong bender. Glad I dont do it anymore.
Huh. Big black blobs of mostly air. It’s as though her brains somehow oozed out through holes in her skull.
It’s the DEI style
Honorary transgender ghetto coiffure of the year.
You know, I’ve seen braids so thin (scalp) that it looks like stitches. It looks very tight and painful.
And for the sistas who complain that the edge of their hair is thinning and doesn’t grow back, that’s why. You are irritating your follicles for no reason. Your skin is fighting back.
@MJA, Ive always been curious about that when I see someone with really tight little braids. Makes my scalp itch looking at them.
I haven’t been to the zoo since I was a kid, but it just came back to me.
Is that a charred cactus on her head?
Braiding while angry? Hello, traction alopecia.
And then there’s this…
My minkey has a hairdo!
Big Mike’s Stegosaurus styled hair must be “the lerk” for Sasquatch this Spring.
Man buns.
That duct tape must be a little too tight
MJA — So that’s what does it. I’ve been wondering why Whoopi has been shaving the sides of her head. Her “hair style” looks awful. It’s very sad who she has become. I used to think she was really funny in her film roles. I wouldn’t think of her as a comedian now, at all.
^^^ Oops, “the lewk”. That’s what I get for trying to use queer slang. Fits Big Mike’s though.
I don’t even know what I’m looking at ………………..
Yeah, like I get up on that …………
Are men still doin “Man Buns” like that?
Reminds me of school on Saturday. No class!
If she was going for the afro-puffs look she missed by a mile.×1024.jpg
Hey Moose! We need something new no one will appropriate.
Moose: I got this!
Mooch resents having to tape his balls down all these years.
He’s showing you in hair balls how big are his balls.
This looks like moronic JayZ-style to me.
Once all he hair falls out, like Jada Pinket Smith’s, she will look exactly like her idiot brother.
Meanwhile the rumors about Obama s getting divorced continue, Hopefully they settle it like men.