Minor Who Anthony Weiner Solicited Sex From Comes Out of the Shadows – IOTW Report

Minor Who Anthony Weiner Solicited Sex From Comes Out of the Shadows

When you see the clip of her walking down the street you will see she is just a little kid, and this is 2 years later.

Weiner should spend some time behind bars.

ht/ fdr in hell

18 Comments on Minor Who Anthony Weiner Solicited Sex From Comes Out of the Shadows

  1. There were so many factors that came together to ensure that woman lost. But to be reminded that an unruly Wiener played a major part… well, it’s poetic justice.

    That woman ran interference and enabled a serial rapist for decades its more than poetic justice; it is Karma.

  2. Val,

    What they really believe is that America’s outdated sexual mores cost Clinton POTUS. If more people had not been outraged by Weiner, she might be where Trump is now. Have no doubt that is how they figure it.

  3. Wow. That’s a handsome young woman. Like a young, bigger nosed, gaptoothed Margo Martindale.

    The Abedin-Weiner alliance was always just cover for her lesbian relationship with Clinton. We know it. She knows it. She knew what he was and wanted him to be Mayor over a lot of little kids.

    He’s sexting in bed with her kid in the picture and sending them to other underage teens. And stayed with him. The Democrats are a criminal conspiracy pretending to be a political party. Now excuse them while they traffic some more Dreamers through Catholic Charities to who knows where to live with who knows who.

    Andrew Breitbart stopped more child abuse than the FBI has in the last ten years by exposing this PoS.

  4. Grool, it doesn’t make sense, so I guess you’re right.
    They seem to forget that any sense of moral had been thrown away with Bill “I never had sex with that woman” Clinton.
    Also, they revived the “sexual moral” wave when they explored the “grab them by the p****” record. 🙃

  5. As I see it, she knew who he was and wanted to see if he had changed his ways. I think she set out to entrap him and she succeeded. She’s no dumb teenager, I’m surprised she didn’t try to extort or blackmail him. Maybe she did and he called her bluff and Weiner lost. Now she can play the victim, she got a spot on TV. I wonder how much they paid her for her story?

  6. Lolita Schnozzalicious seems a bit too self assured in her ability to entrap Carlos Danger for me to have any sympathy for her. She’s no innocent.

    Anthony & Huma were spotted together walking their young son to his first day of school…well almost, within 1000 feet anway.

  7. Agreed Cliche…..Huma, the daughter of Muslm Bro operatives, marrying a Jew doesn’t make sense, unless the real purpose was cover for another purpose. Perhaps the plan was to infiltrate the Clinton circle by any means necessary.

    She won’t be visiting any relatives in Saudi Arabia with husband and child any time soon.

  8. :52: I wanted to see if Anthony was still up to the same antics.

    So she wanted to kinda-sorta bait a trap for him to see if he’d fall in it. What Hillary supporter would bother to set a trap for her girlfriend’s husband?

    1:11: I was disgusted. That’s part of the reason I came forward.

    So your suspicions were confirmed, and suddenly you were disgusted. And you came forward to be an attention whore, and also collect a paycheck from the media.

    Wow. What an honorable whistle-blower here. Two douche bags trying to out-douche each other. Both are scummy.

  9. I don’t care what her motives were in this sordid business. I don’t care what she looks like, or how insipid her explanation of what transpired is now that she has come forward. This is the person who brought down Carlos Danger, who embarrassed and degraded Huma Abedin, who worked for Hillary Rodham Clinton (the Inevitable One), who lost the election to Donald Trump, because FBI Director Comey reopened an investigation about emails just before she was about to become the first female President of the United States of America. Well, maybe not. But she sure deserves a statue for accomplishing something special.

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