Miranda Devine dishes on ‘delicious’ details of Durham case, predicts ‘ramifications’ will be ‘momentous’ – IOTW Report

Miranda Devine dishes on ‘delicious’ details of Durham case, predicts ‘ramifications’ will be ‘momentous’

BPR: Journalist Miranda Devine contends that the trial of attorney Michael Sussmann on one count of lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation may seem minor, but it has more profound implications because it could lead to failed 2016 Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s alleged role in the Russiagate hoax that hamstrung the Donald Trump administration. watch

11 Comments on Miranda Devine dishes on ‘delicious’ details of Durham case, predicts ‘ramifications’ will be ‘momentous’

  1. The evidence piles up mountain high and FALLS OVER AND SMASHES HER is the ONLY way we will ever see true justice for Hillary.

    Or Hunter, or obamination, Pelosi, or any of our very unethical, debauched members of the government of the USA.

    They all laugh at the Kabuki show ‘investigations’ of any part of the governing cabal.

    An example of their out of control power: The illegally held political prisoners of Jan 6.

    The USA used to rescue or help EVERYONE. Now we are getting baby formula from foreign countries???

    It feels like America is waiting for the lava from the D.C. Vesuvius to cover us completely.

    We hunker down with our masks on, waiting as the communist lava flows and destroys EVERYTHING AMERICAN.

    The horror show of Uvalde is looking like the horrific shooting in Las Vegas. Our ‘elitist’ FBI did a great Jedi hand wave there.

  2. The DoJ is a corrupt, communist run shithole now. I don’t believe for an instant that anything of value will come of this. The shitbag DC democrat jury will acquit him PRECISELY because they hate Trump, and no other reason. Then the fraudulent acquittal will touted as “proof” of Trump’s guilt.

  3. America Bob 🇺🇸 May 27, 2022 at 2:54 am

    Hildabeast in cuffs? No? Call me when that happens.

    I wanna see those cuffs on her cankles and wrists, and in a bright orange jump suit. Maybe Martha Stewart can give her a few pointers for her long stay in prison. Out of sight out of mind.

  4. This “BOOM” crap got old with Hannity years ago. If Mueller’s Klown Parade was just 1% above board, all of RussiaGate would have landed on Hillary when he was “probing”

    It didn’t because the Deep State and the GOPe didn’t want the truth. It’s an inescapable conclusion. They wanted to undermine DJT.

    And they did but he still got our country rockin’-can you imagine if he had had a senate full of Rand Pauls & josh Hawleys??

  5. I’ll believe in the “momentous” “ramifications” when I see Hellary and half of the prior high level O’Bozo & PDJT executive administration; arrested, handcuffed, jailed, tried, sentenced, imprisoned and all assets seized.
    Otherwise, don’t try to tease me. I’ve heard this circus act before, nothing but empty promises so far.

  6. @MMinWA May 27, 2022 at 10:32 am

    > It didn’t because the Deep State and the GOPe didn’t want the truth.

    The Truth(TM) matters? Oh! That’s so cute!

  7. A good outcome would be the old Hyena arkanciding herself.

    I think even the traitorous Dem party has no further use for her services.

    What difference would it make anyway?

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