Misdemeanor charge filed against Texas councilwoman and @MomsDemand volunteer for berating teen girl in a Trump shirt – IOTW Report

Misdemeanor charge filed against Texas councilwoman and @MomsDemand volunteer for berating teen girl in a Trump shirt


Meet Kellye Burke from Houston, Texas. Burke is a City of West U council member as well as a volunteer for @MomsDemand.

And this morning, Burke is also facing a “class C misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge” after she berated some teenage girls buying cookies because one of them was wearing a Trump shirt:

According to the report, Burke yelled “grab her by the p*ssy girls!” and “MAGA! MAGA!” at them:


13 Comments on Misdemeanor charge filed against Texas councilwoman and @MomsDemand volunteer for berating teen girl in a Trump shirt

  1. Her misdemeanor charge had to have been inciting violence. 1A says you can say pretty much anything to anyone, even if it’s ugly and intimidating to little girls.
    She was threatening them. Is that how they nabbed her?

    I’m trying to figure that out.

  2. West University is Houston’s Yuppieville. For years perfectly good older homes are razed or moved so Houston’s upwardly mobile doctors and lawyers can build McMansions. It doesn’t surprise me that this weirdo is on the city council. It seems that Houston is getting as weird as Austin. I’m glad I’m moving to the hills of Kentucky. Screw em, I’m outta here.

  3. Been to plenty estate sales in West U.
    Perfectly good 1950’s cottage homes better
    than my chicken shack!. They tear them down
    with a giant tracked back-hoe.Everything is
    “for sale” even the boards if you want to pull
    them off… Then comes the 3 story stucco and
    the Indian anesthesiologist that works at the
    HUGE med center 2 miles away.


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