‘Miss America’ Becoming A Hot Mess – IOTW Report

‘Miss America’ Becoming A Hot Mess

As this year’s walk down the run way for the 2018 winner of the Miss America contest nears, the organization’s board has received a number of calls for its resignations.

The first demand for removal of Chairwoman Gretchen Carlson and President and CEO Regina Hopper, came in the form of a vote of “no confidence” by 22 state pageants earlier this summer.

This has been followed with an accusation by current Miss America, Cara Mund, that she has been “silenced,” belittled, and bullied by the new CEO of the organization, Gretchen Carlson, and that she has been researching “workplace bullying” as defined by the State of New Jersey.” The accusation has led to another call from former winners for the entire board to resign. Here

16 Comments on ‘Miss America’ Becoming A Hot Mess

  1. That’s heartwarming. I hope they will prevail. I thought Carlson had a grip when she talked on the show about a family member’s dealership being ‘picked’ for erasure by the preezy administration. She’s joined the dark side in the sjbully cause, never to be trusted again.

    Mind you, I haven’t seen much of the pageant since I was a teen, still living at home. What I reject is the effort to continue socially distorting in cause of their half-baked victims-r-us mentality. Plus, every straight guy I know may not be a devoted fan, but not a one of them will off the swimsuit competition if they come across it while channel surfing.

  2. We used to have a woman at work in a position of some power. She was an aging beauty. She never allowed any woman to be hired in her department who was more attractive than her. As she aged, this became more and more difficult to do. I suspect Gretchen Carlson has this same mental disorder.

  3. I’m glad they’re doing this. Gretchen always worked my last nerve. Good for them.
    Even if it is “exploitation” *eye roll* at least those women aren’t toppless and twirling on a stripper pole for money. Do you want more stormy daniels? Because that’s how you get more stormy daniels.

  4. If they want to save the pageant and up their ratings the whole think needs to be made into reality TV. That way the women, who have always been the primary audience, will get to view what they really want to see, not what they say they want to see.

  5. This morning at breakfast Bert Parks said, “When they fired me, the whole pageant went down the shitter.” Across the table, Bert got a thumbs-up from Gary Collins.

  6. “The impact won’t stop there. We are already seeing a negative ripple effect across the entire organization, and I am so concerned that it will dilute the experience for the next woman selected to wear the crown.”

    Gendertyping! Why does the next *winner* have to be a *woman*?

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