Mississippi: Town Residents Fight Atheist Organization Calling for Removal of Christmas Display – IOTW Report

Mississippi: Town Residents Fight Atheist Organization Calling for Removal of Christmas Display

Nativity by van Honthorst. jpg

“I just feel like Christians lose a lot nowadays because we’re too polite,” says Andrea Kirkley, a resident of Collins and a stay-at-home mom. “I’m tired of seeing Christians get pushed down. We’re not pushing our faith on anybody.”   [Story @ DailySignal]

9 Comments on Mississippi: Town Residents Fight Atheist Organization Calling for Removal of Christmas Display

  1. Funny, I’m an atheist, and I never think it would think it’s a good idea to tear down Christian monuments. Not everyone thinks like me, and some of those monuments and the history behind them are awesome. Just because I’m burdened with a lack of faith doesn’t mean I feel compelled to crap on those blessed with faith.

    There needs to be a civil war among atheists, and the Christian haters in the US have to go. They are fucking douchebags of the first order.

  2. So does that atheist gang ever picked on moslems? Just wondering. Why don’t they go harass the all or majority moslem city council, where was that? Michigan? Of course they won’t because they are whiney sissies.

  3. Many atheists have openly admitted that the don’t go after muslims because that is dangerous. Then they gather together and play act like they’re making a brave stand by being snotty and litigious with a religion that teaches its adherents to turn the other cheek.

    Militant atheists are worthless cowards and should be boot stomped until they cease their endless fucking whining, preferably by ceasing breathing.

  4. Same here, I have no problem with Christmas. Christianity as a philosophy is unassailable in my opinion. its just the supernatural stuff needed to sell it in the early Iron Age that puts me off.

  5. they also do not harass Hindu, Buddhist, Zen or any other eastern based religion. It says a lot about the TRUTH of the Christian Faith
    that the only one Satan is trying to squelch is the one that won’t deliver people to him.

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