Missouri Man Arrested For Allegedly Pointing Gun At Pro-Life Protester – IOTW Report

Missouri Man Arrested For Allegedly Pointing Gun At Pro-Life Protester

DC: Authorities arrested a Springfield, Missouri, man Saturday for allegedly pointing a gun at a pro-life protester outside an abortion clinic in Granite City.

“This wasn’t just a guy who had a rifle, he pointed it at me,” said pro-life protester John Ryan, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported Tuesday. “I see the barrel of the rifle pointing at me … I backed up a few steps, walked back across the street and called the cops.”

Ryan was protesting outside of Granite City’s Hope Clinic for Women and says he approached a car to hand out “Defenders of the Unborn” flyers when the man in the vehicle pointed a rifle at him.

The accused, 27-year-old Kevin M. Brooks, claims he didn’t do anything wrong.

“I didn’t point a gun at anybody,” he said. “All I did was lift [the gun] up so he could see it was there.”

“If I thought I had done something illegal, I could’ve left. I could’ve hid the gun, I could’ve done a number of things. I thought I was well within my rights,” Brooks continued. He claims he had the gun because he didn’t feel safe driving through East St. Louis without a weapon, according to the Post-Dispatch. more here

12 Comments on Missouri Man Arrested For Allegedly Pointing Gun At Pro-Life Protester

  1. Speaking of brandishing, a friend of mine was asking me about home defense weapons and I suggested a short barreled pump shotgun, but assured him that unless he was willing to answer his door with it locked and loaded, that any weapon is relatively useless (except in the “breaking glass” scenario). He listened patiently to my explanation and went out and purchased a S&W 9mm which (as it turns out) he is terrified of. So he keeps it in a safe in his bedroom with an empty chamber….. I told him that I truly hope that he never NEEDs it.
    ” Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Hope clinic in Granite City.. that place was often in the Pro Lofe news in the ‘90s. So it’s still killing people.

    Wish these places were compelled to have a marque advertising their body count.

  3. Just to let him see it was there. Yeah, right. It was a rifle. Everyone could see it. Personally, there should be more than a background check to purchase firearms. Some sort of IQ testing, perhaps. Legal or not, there are way too many retards carrying guns these days, if you ask me.

  4. Didn’t feel safe driving through East St. Louis without a weapon. Wonder if he ever heard of an alternative route? If I feel I can’t go into an area without a weapon, I don’t go into the area.

  5. Demons compelled the fool to point his gun, every single confrontation surrounding abortion slaughter houses is a spiritual one. Most just don’t realize it or refuse to see it.


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