Missouri Senator: ‘I Hope Trump Is Assassinated!’ – IOTW Report

Missouri Senator: ‘I Hope Trump Is Assassinated!’


A Missouri state senator said in a now-deleted Facebook post that she hopes President Donald Trump is assassinated.

Maria Chappelle-Nadal acknowledged on Thursday that she wrote a post which read: “I hope Trump is assassinated!”

She made the comment in an exchange with a left-wing activist who claimed that his cousin is a Secret Service agent.



33 Comments on Missouri Senator: ‘I Hope Trump Is Assassinated!’

  1. Missouri state Dem Party chairman states her act was ‘indefensible’.

    No. Keeping this woman in a State Legislature is indefensible.
    Others have been tossed from office for much less. Race selective enforcement of the law? How far does that go?

  2. Why does the left get away with everything? Threats against the president, no problem, voter fraud, no problem, treason, no problem. Hey Jeff Sessions, do you see any problems with this shit?

  3. Don’t representatives and senators take oaths?

    Don’t these oaths mean anything?

    An oath is to God and the People.

    If they have no respect for their oaths, they have no respect for themselves and certainly not the People.

    They should be EXCUSED from representing the People.

    GO HOME.

  4. Instead of worrying about a statue, I’d be more concerned with a State Senator who wishes the President of the United States dead.
    I’d suggest the Justice Department drag her out of chambers for all to see except she’s obviously been overfed at the trough and I wouldn’t want anyone else injured.

  5. Give them credit where credit is due! The Africans have won the race war and are now in charge of the dialogue and direction of this country. They are about 15% of the total population with a collective IQ of 60 but have been highly successful in getting reparation payments for 60+years (welfare, affirmative action, and white kowtowing)! An American Apartied is coming soon to America and with it a brand of tyranny practiced on a majority population by a worthless minority sub species!

  6. It’s OK, It’s OK, she’s black and can say stupid things and get away with it. To correct her would be racist. I’m wondering though if the cousin of the clown she was twitting is still in the Secret Service?

  7. I am currently working in the STL area and I listened to an interview by a local host on AM 1020 with this women.

    What a nasty and evasive liar. She has no plans to resign and doesn’t feel she needs to make an apology to a rasict President. These people on the left are truly mentally ill. They believe their own tripe.

  8. Terror Watch list.
    No Fly list.
    IRS retroactive audit colonoscopy back to age 21, with max penalties and interest plus.
    “Under Federal Criminal investigation” status which just never closes, and flares up just in time for next election.
    Ditto for her husband, offspring, all business partners she’s ever had.
    Make her fatally radioactive.

    Time to make some examples out of these treasonous assassination inciters.

    Ruin her. Easy, inexpensive, and it WILL be a widely watched lesson.

  9. Tired of playing nice. I hated her president with the heat of a thousand suns. But I knew better than to voice it in that manner.

    She should already be in jail. But no. Different rules for elected niggers.
    Or any nigger for that matter. Mind there is a vast difference between black people and niggers. Nigger is a mindset.
    What act, what accusation, what statue, what outrage is the bridge too far?

  10. Ande she refuses to at the least apologiz for her ‘mistake’; “When the President apologizes, I’ll apologize. I’m not apologizing for being frustrated and angry at the bigot that we have in our White House.”

    A statement made for the patented AB retort “Apologize for what?

  11. This bitch is too lazy to even go pick up her own bucket of chicken.
    She ain’t gonna kill nobody.
    The SS is wasting time looking at her. Plus, it builds her cred amongst the thugs, bruddahs, pimps, and hos – her constituency.

    She’s a foul-mouthed, rancid, crazed ignoramus who’s a negative reflection on Missouri.
    With a lot of luck, following some religious rite, a chicken-claw will get stuck in her throat and she’ll choke on watermelon and muscatel.

    izlamo delenda est …

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