Missouri Sends Openly Gay Contestant To the Miss America Contest – IOTW Report

Missouri Sends Openly Gay Contestant To the Miss America Contest

She looks like Celine Dion’s slightly better looking sister.article-3772225-37E7E2BF00000578-494_636x382


Miss Missouri Erin O’Flaherty has made headlines for becoming the first openly lesbian contestant to win a state title in the Miss America pageant.

After expressing her joy, she was careful to point out that her tenure as Miss Missouri ‘will not be solely about the fact that I’m gay’.

‘While I honor the LGBT community and I am proud to be part of it, I have goals that have nothing to do with my sexuality. I encourage people to understand that this is who I am but it’s not all that I am.’

She has chosen to shine a light on suicide prevention, an issue she says is particularly important with young gay people.


40 Comments on Missouri Sends Openly Gay Contestant To the Miss America Contest

  1. Get ready for a humorless, preachy lecture about something during the Q & A portion of the contest. Which will be right after the flannel shirt portion of the contest, I think.

  2. Q&A part:

    Q: “So, what ultimately defines you?”

    A: “First, I would like to give a shout-out to my LGBQ friends and all my feminist friends! [applause] But to answer your question what defines me is not my sexual preference but making clay pots.”

  3. “…will not be SOLELY be about the fact that I’m gay”.
    Key word is “solely”. As is, 99.9% gay activism heading your way. And who would DARE vote against her and risk being shunned for life? A shame because if she was gay and beautiful and her sexuality really had nothing to do with the contest who would mind?

  4. The pageant owners do realize that gays are 1% of the population?
    Every gay in America could tune in (but they won’t) and it wouldn’t boost their ratings worth the straight viewers they are turning off ( whether through being offended, or just bored).

    Same bad Biz strategy as the NFL.
    Embrace BLM and turn off your straight white male viewership.
    Lotsa luck with that.

  5. Billy Fuster, the only was she won a beauty contest was showing her lesbianism. If she had kept it quiet she would have finished 50th out of 30 contestants. How far would Michael Sam have gotten if he wasn’t openly gay?

  6. Correction: She is not “gay” she is a lesbian. They stole that word which does not apply to them. They are more suicidal with higher rates of alcohol and drug abuse and STDs.

    I also want back the rainbow symbol which God gave to us to remind us that he flooded the world to punish evil-doers, like homosexuals.

    Finally, I think she should have her own separate changing area so she is not leering at all the other female contestants. They are very justified in feeling uncomfortable.

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